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Jongho was sat quietly next to the demon who mindlessly watched tv. Why did he ask him to sleep over? That was such a huge mistake, the human felt too nervous to even enjoy the sitcom that San intentionally chose cause he heard the human likes it.

"Say Jongho..." San spoke suddenly, the younger flinching as he didn't expect any conversation going on. However he did turn to focus on the speaker. "You say Hongjoong is the name of your friend?" The older asked and Jongho tensed at the sudden interest for his friend.

"Mh, yeah. Why?" He tried to ask nonchalantly but San already knew he's nervous. "Calm down, I'm not going to do anything to him. You even let me taste you for free" San wiggled his eyebrows, Jongho blushing at the uncalled reference to their nasty shenanigans.

Rolling his eyes the younger coughed awkwardly before he nudged the raven head. "So, why are you asking?" He pressured and San took his hand in his own. "What would you say if I take you to him?" He suggested and Jongho gasped, unintentionally tightening his hold on the hand.

"Really?" Jongho rasped. "Yes please. I haven't seen him for so long I'm starting to think he is dying" Jongho scoffed and San felt almobad because welp, that ain't that far from reality.

"Do you want to go now?" San asked again and Jongho stood up before he even finished the sentence. "Of course." He said as he ran to the door to wear his shoes. San chuckled at the sudden energy.

San followed the restless teen smiling softly at his antics. Jongho was so cute when he got excited. The older took him to the house he was guessing the same Hongjoong lived, parking his motorcycle next to the building's door.

They rang the doorbell and Jongho rocked on his heels kinda nervous to see Hongjoong unannounced. When no one answered the corner of Jongho's lips dropped in a pout. He turned to San frowning.

The older fished his phone out calling the brunette grip reaper. He guessed the younger would ignore his call but to his surprise he replied kinda quickly. "San?" The other's voice for a demon sounded too shaken alerting the raven head.

"Kiddo? You good?" He furrowed his eyebrows at how loud and choked the other's breath seemed to get out. "H-hyung" the taller whispered and San raised an eyebrow at the rare honorific. "Yunho what's wrong?"

"I'm out of the door can you open?" He pressured and Yunho gasped, stumbling echoing through both his phone and behind the door. The younger opened the door hurriedly as he was about to cling on the shorter but stopped dead on his tracks as he noticed an anxious stranger behind the demon.

"Please tell me this is not who I think it is?" Yunho whispered to San but Jongho heard him either way, biting his lip as he felt an unwanted feeling.

"This is Jongho, yeah. Where is the blond one?" San raised a questioning eyebrow. Yunho bit his lips harshly before he run a hand on his already disheveled hair. And now that San took a better look on the other's face he seemed very unhealthy and pale. He usually is, but not to this extent.

"H-hyung." Yunho rubbed his face distressed before he huffed in his hands. "Why did you bring Jongho with you" he whined and San took offense at the question. "I'm sorry?" He raised his eyebrow again but in challenging manner.

"This is such a not good time" he mumbled to himself and San snapped him out of his head with a hand patting his head softly. "The fuck is going on Yun?" He asked again trying to understand.

"Okay, come in first" he dragged both of the visitors by their hands and the mentioned people shared a confused yet concerned look between them.

Yunho forced them to sit on the couch as he sat on the coffee table across them. "Kay. So I fucked up. Big time. And I'm trying to fix my mistake but it's taking so much energy and power from me that I'm physically unable to give more of what I have at the moment." Yunho almost sobbed, having been emotionally charged for the past few days. 

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