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Wooyoung rushed to the familiar pink man who raised an eyebrow at the sudden invasion of his home by the same person.

"Baby?" He called hesitantly before he neared the storming male. Grabbing the broad shoulders to stop him he gave an unsure smile, given Wooyoung has his eyebrows furrowed and an accusing look in his eyes.

"Are you a demon?" The younger dropped the bomb and Seonghwa sucked a gasp in. "What?" He shouted surprised and the scale of how shocked the taller was gave him out. Wooyoung snickered at that, angrily.

"And you didn't think it's something I had to know?" The red head said frustrated. Seonghwa's hold on his shoulders got loose, uncertain even as he bit his lip. His expression screamed sorry and fear.

"Wooyoung- wait I can explain-" Seonghwa stuttered as he coughed, anxiety at its worst. Wooyoung bumped his shoulder against Seonghwa's on purpose before he plumped himself on the sofa, arms crossed over his chest. "Explain then"

Seonghwa signed ruffling his head. He walked closer to the other, sitting on the coffee table across the human, and even if unsure he placed a comforting hand on the bouncing knee.

"First of all, I didn't tell you anything at the beginning because I didn't really have to." He started off and Wooyoung's stare hardened before he paused and gave a defeated nod.

"But then whatever we had made me so happy and content even proud of myself, cause it's been decades since I've found a person of my own; especially on earth... I don't like what I am. I never did and with you not knowing just made me pretend that I am human too" Seonghwa explained softly, as his eyes were pinned to the floor.

Wooyoung pursed his lips feeling bad for the taller. He cocked his head to the side. "But you could still tell me" he whispered and Seonghwa gave him a soft side smile. "I was afraid I'd lose you" he squeezed the knee for emphasis.

"Do you find me scary?" Seonghwa asked the question he was dying to know the answer to. Wooyoung smirked mischievously before he lunged forward to plop himself on the demon's lap. "No I find you sexier" he winked and Seonghwa looked at him dumbfounded.


"I don't know it's hot." Wooyoung shrugged before he brought his face close enough to bury it in the soft neck that his teeth sunk into. Seonghwa hissed at the sudden sting, his tongue coming to wet his dry lips.

Seonghwa grabbed Wooyoung's red locks before he pulled the head back up, diving in to kiss the reddish lips harshly. "You're really something" he mumbled against the younger's lips with a hue of a smile on his face.

"Aren't I?" Wooyoung hummed as he closed his eyes proudly. Seonghwa giggled as he got up, walking them both to his bed. After they laid down the demon turned to the side, head supported by his hand as he stared lovingly at the human.

"What are you thinking?" Seonghwa asked as he noticed the other's eyes studying his ceiling lost. "I want to ask you something, but I don't know if it's weird" Wooyoung giggled uncertainly as he bit his upper lip.

"Just ask me baby. Trust me it's not weirder than you finding out about my identity." The taller snorted and Wooyoung chuckled amused. "I want... I want to ask you; how did you become a demon?" The younger turned on his side too, mirroring the other as he stared at him interested.

Seonghwa's smile died on his lips as his eyes got lost behind memories only he knew. The tanner male noticed the shift in the other's attitude, tensing at the foreign moodiness. "Y-you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" he whispered, laying a hand on Seonghwa's free one.

Shaking his head the cotton candy haired man cleared his throat. "Look, what I will say might be the reason we end what we have. But you have to know. Cause I love you." Seonghwa spat, making the human widen his eyes comically. "You what?!" He stood up on his ass, his cheeks a deep red.

Seonghwa fiddled with the mattress's loose thread as he avoided eye contact. "I love you?... you don't have to do anything about it I'm just telling you how I feel" he rushed to explain and Wooyoung puffed his cheeks with the exhale of his breath.

"I'm not a romantic person but couldn't you confess over dinner why did you say it like it meant nothing" Wooyoung whined like a little kid before he pouted. "Because I didn't want to put pressure on you." Seonghwa reasoned and Wooyoung glared at him before motioning his hand in a circular gesture for him to continue his speech.

Gulping Seonghwa inhaled for a couple of seconds before he exhaled, calming himself down. "No one knows this except Mingi and Yunho. So don't say anything to San" the demon's stare pinned on him harder before Wooyoung grimaced. "Who the hell is San?" He rasped confused before he giggled at his own words. "Who the hell is such a literal expression in this situation ain't it?" He laughed, confusing Seonghwa even more with his stance over this whole thing.

Seonghwa gave an awkward smile before he nodded. "Anyway... I became a demon because I w-was a s-serial killer." Seonghwa said hurriedly as he squinted his eyes, he felt a lump in his throat when he noticed the way Wooyoung subtly but surely scooted backwards.

"W-what?" Wooyoung gulped and Seonghwa's expression turned to worried. "I mean it's been ages ago and I swear on anything you want me to; in my mind back then it was for a good reason and I never thought I'd get caught." Seonghwa tried to explain but Wooyoung raised a hand in the air. "Seonghwa, what in the fuck could be a good reason to kill people not only once but on several occasions?" Wooyoung raised his voice almost annoyed.

Seonghwa took a deep breath yet again before his shoulders deflated in defeat. "I used to hunt down and kill rapists.." he whispered as he hung his head lower.

The ready to explode human ceased all movements as he stared emotionlessly at the taller. After a deafening silence Seonghwa felt his fingers getting intertwined with the tanner ones.

He shakily brought his head up, eyes darting to look at the surprisingly soft and warmer ones. "I'm sorry" Wooyoung smiled and Seonghwa gave him a confused look. "What are you even apologizing for?" Seonghwa sighed and Wooyoung's lips turned to a thin line.

"I shouldn't have judged and jumped on you like that. Yes killing is never the good way to solve things but at least I know your good heart didn't come just after you became a demon. It must have been hard on you to have the burden of cleaning off this planet. Call me weird but I don't see that much of a fault on that. Who knows if I was born as a braver human then I might have been courageous enough to help humanity like that too."

Seonghwa's tears surprised himself when they slid down his cheeks after registering the words Wooyoung just told him. Flinching he brought one of his hands up to wipe the tears away but Wooyoung beat him to it; his soft fingers rubbing the skin under his eyes lovingly.

No one ever saw the good he was trying to do by and through his actions. Maybe Seonghwa was a bit more out of his mind as a human than others but he definitely was only trying to clean the land off of the garbages. He never hurt an innocent person. But when there were rape victims and crimes committed repeatedly that fine summer when he had just turned 23 he couldn't get it out of his mind. He knew he could do something. He was a hacker. Finding information was so easy for him. All he had to do was 'do it'.

A soft sob left his mouth waking him from his trace of thoughts. "W-Wooyoung" he wailed as more sobs echoed in the silence of the night. The human didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around the taller's head, who hid his face in his chest.

The red head ran a hand over the pink hair, patting the head down in hopes he brought comfort to the demon. Wooyoung didn't need to know any other why. Seonghwa has always been hunane apparently. Who would have the guts to do what he did?

Wooyoung swore within himself that he won't refer to this matter ever again; and no, it's not something worthy of pushing the demon out of his life.

Because he loves him too.

*sobsob* I don't know if I'm too biased but Seonghwa in this story is such a >>>>

I hope you liked this chapter 💗💗

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