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"Mom?" A timid voice resonated and the sleeping woman shifted from her position. "Mommy?" The voice was heard again and at that the sleeping woman woke up, her eyes squinting to adjust to the dim lighting. "Baby?" She asked surprised, a hand stretching towards her son.

"Jongho? Baby what are you doing here?" She whispered not wanting to wake up her husband, he had been working late at night for a long time. Jongho waved a hand over, signaling her to follow him outside.

Sat at the kitchen table ms. Choi asked again and Jongho played with his hands anxiously. Noticing her son's distress she placed a calming hand over his busy ones, smiling softly at him when he looked at her. "Mommy, I haven't seen Hongjoong ever since he spent the night here" he whispered and his mother pouted at how sad her baby looked.

"And? Maybe he needs some time, he was very hurt when he came over" she tried to explain but Jongho shook his head "No- I mean yes but he's not talking to me at school either" he whimpered his lower lip trembling as he was trying to hold tears back.

Ms. Choi patted the brown locks down lovingly. "Then maybe he is going through a lot, why don't you give him time to come back to you?

"But Hongjoong won't! I know him and he doesn't tell me what's wrong so that we can help him" Jongho whined as his tears rolled down. Sighing loudly his mother circled around the table to hug him. "Well you can always pester him; I wouldn't think of it as a good idea however" she smiled and Jongho sighed looking up at her. "Mom... if I had a harmless, secretive way to know what's going on would I be too much of a bad person?" He asked in such a low voice their distance helped his mother hear.

Cocking her head to the side she squinted at her son. "And that would be?" She asked doubtfully. "I can't tell" he bit his lip and his mother released a deep, long sigh. "Well I think you're old enough to decide and you know Hongjoong better than anyone. I trust you'll decide wisely." She offered yet another warm smile, kissing his forehead softly.

The teenager sniffed before he nodded. Thanking her he sprinted to his room, sitting on his bed before he run a calming hand down his chest.

"San?" He voiced but when nothing happened he signed.

"San." He tried again, maybe the tone of the voice mattered... but nope.

"San!" He squinted his eyes shut desperately. Then he heard a chuckle from beside his desk. "You must really love my name, don't you little pet?" The voice that couldn't leave his head for days said and Jongho jerked his head to the side. "San" he gasped, running to the demon.

San raised a stopping palm in the air, halting his sprint suddenly. "That's a nice distance. What do you want?" San asked, looking at him through his eyelashes. San seemed angry, his face was flushed and his speech was short and sharp.

Clearing his throat, Jongho straightened his shirt nervously. "San, I want to take your help" he said and San snickered. "I am not helping you, I'm making a deal with you. Rephrase that. And you do realize that the seals are stuff young kids like you shouldn't have to be experiencing right?" The demon asked you cocking an eyebrow in a challenging way.

Jongho bit his lower lip hesitantly as he thought over what the demon indicated that night when they first met. Jongho is stubborn by nature so nothing could really change his mind once he made a decision, thus his eyebrows met as he nodded in determination. "Yes" he spat, releasing a heavy sigh through his nose.

San clicked his tongue as he rolled his shoulders to ease them up. "Okay... then suck me off" he said, freezing the younger on spot.

"What?!" Jongho shouted a bit too loudly, causing his mom to knock on his door a few seconds later. "Jongho, honey? Are you okay there?" She asked alarmed and Jongho waddled to the door to crack it open a few centimeters before he smiled overly sweetly. "I'm sorry mommy, I'm watching some series and it got heated" he smiled in fake happiness.

His mother chuckled, not having any reason to not to believe her son as she nodded. "Okay baby. Keep it low okay? Daddy is sleeping" she smiled and left after Jongho gave her an apologetic nod.

Turning on his heels he stared at the handsome demon, void of any emotion in his eyes. "What did you just say?" Jongho whispered yelled again, cheeks blushing madly. San stared rudely at the younger before he shrugged. "Suck me off" he repeated and the brunette's jaw fell on the floor. "Why would I do that?" He fought back and San smirked. "Because you need my power." He explained fairly correct.


"See I told you, kids can't play with hell. Try heaven next time" San rolled his eyes ready to disappear only for the younger to grab on his elbow desperately. "No please. I'll do it damn please help me" he begged and San straightened his jacket, jerking the smaller hand away.

Clearing his throat he sat on the edge of the human's unmade bed. Motioning for the younger to come close he spread his legs more, making space. "Kneel my pet" he said obnoxiously and Jongho gulped as he obeyed, kneeling in between the other's feet as his heels supported his butt.

San leaned forward, face inches away. "What do you want to know?" He asked first, a hand gripping the soft strands as he turned the human's head left and right; studying his facial features. The demon hummed satisfied as he jutted his head, letting the boy know he was waiting.

"I- I want to know where is Hongjoong, why is he always getting grounded, why is he always hurt and how I can h-"

"Woah... do you think life is as easy? Sweetheart, each answer has to give me something in return. Anything I ask" San interrupted and the younger widened his eyes. "But why?" His lower lip trembled and San grinned evilly. "Because I'm not nice" he deadpanned and Jongho's ready to object mouth sealed close.

"Now. I can let you know where Hongjoong is right now; after you complete your end of the deal." The raven head patted his crotch with an arrogant smirk.

Jongho stood still for a few moments; rethinking everything and he shuddered at the thoughts of what could the demon ask from him. He was a virgin. Like, at all. He knows nothing about what is expected from him and he can feel his hands trembling.

"I- I... It's— my first time" he admitted embarrassed and San smiled at him. "It's okay. I'm sure you'll do great" he replied and it oddly gave the younger a confidence boost.

Jongho doesn't like arrogant people, San is arrogant. He wants to prove whatever he underestimates in him wrong. "Okay... it is what it is" the human whispered to himself as he placed his shaky hands on the black leather belt.

He fiddled with the buckle as he grunted in frustration at how tight it was. With one swift movement he took off both pants and underwear; freeing the bigger than imagined cock.

Jongho felt his heart beating faster as he slowly wrapped a hand around the shaft. San groaned yet his own breath hitched. He could feel his cheeks burning and he is sure he is red as a tomato. He opened his mouth slightly forcing himself to put it in however he sighed, pulling away last minute. "I'm sorry I can't" Jongho whined, almost crying as he looked at the older.

He wasn't ready. He couldn't force himself like that.

Though, San who was already angry, grabbed his hair harshly. "Look, I'm being nice and you're taking me for a fool. It's not you can or not. You made a deal; you can't back out. I told you consequences go to the subject of the reason you called me. Stop playing with me cause you're getting on my nerves" the demon growled angrily and Jongho's eyes watered more.

At the thoughts of Hongjoong being harmed because of this the younger cried, fat tears falling down his cheeks. Wailing he bowed his head in front of the older. "Please don't hurt Hongjoong. Just give me some time. Please" the younger begged as he looked straight at the older's eyes.

San rolled his eyes, not being able to act impulsively to harm the younger yet; without any reason. San sighed as he pushed the younger away with one of his feet softly. "You sicken me" he whispered with disgust in his voice before he laid down on Jongho's bed tiredly. The younger's wet eyes lit at the realization that the demon spared him this time ax he rushed to lay next to him. Unconsciously pushing closer the human sniffed before looking at the serene face of the other. "Thank you" he whispered before he wiped his eyes, closing them in hopes to meet sleep.

Something about San here makes me giggle a lot lol
I hope you like this chapter 💋
See you soon 💗

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