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Jongho was in his living room listening to music while doing his homework when his door bell rang. It was almost 11 pm and it made him furrow his eyebrows but he still stood up to open the door.

Peeking at the eyehole his brows raised in surprise to see a very familiar cat like set of eyes on the other side. "San?" He muttered as soon as he opened. "What are you doing here?" Jongho asked, surprised at the fact that the demon rang the bell in the first place.

"Hi." San pulled a hand out of his pocket to wave at him. "Are you doing to let me in?" He asked as soon as he noticed that the boy neither said anything nor moved out of the way.

Shaking his head once Jongho giggled shyly as he stepped to the right. "Yeah, sure. Come in" he rubbed his nape awkwardly. He followed the older, sitting next to him on the sofa. "What brings you here?" Jongho asked again.

"You" San smirked as his eyes turned into two crescents. Jongho chocked on thin air as he felt his cheeks staring to raise temperature. "Eh?" Was all he could ask and San chuckled at his reaction.

"I came to speak seriously with you though." He cleared his throat and it made Jongho tense noticeably. "I'm all ears" he scratched his fingertips nervously.

"Well, Jongho. It came to the point that our deal has no meaning anymore. No point if you please. You know everything you wanted to. But. The deal has not been finalized by your side." San paused, slightly enjoying how fidgety the human became.

"Oh? S-so? What happens? You weren't the one to let me know.." Jongho pointe the obvious. "But I lead you to him." San frowned. He really did more than he had to do for the younger, he felt slightly offended.

"So what happens?" Jongho bit his lower lip harshly. "What happens is that we have to come up with a way for you to pay your half" San cocked his head to the side.

"Okay what do you want me to do?" Jongho asked hesitantly. "Stand up." San jerked a hand, signing the other to raise. Standing up, the teenager fisted the hem of his tee, heartbeat drumming against his rib cage.

Curling to fingers inwards, Jongho obeyed as he walked closer. "Strip" San said dead serious and the younger's face paled quicker than the speed of light as he stood there, stone.

San giggled as he threw his head back. "I'm joking" he patted his lap. "Come here" he opened his arms. Jongho let the longest exhale of breath as he felt the cold sweat on his forehead already. Walking closer he sat on San's lap neatly.

"Turn to face me" San whined, too childishly for a demon if you ask the human. Jongho again did as ordered, both his knees on each side of the older's thighs.

San wrapped his arms loosely around the human's lower waist. He leaned closer, pecking the pouty lips softly. "How have you been?" San asked and Jongho found the random chitchat weird but he still replied. "Good. Hongjoong is not secretive anymore" he smiled brightly and San smiled back at him. "Lovely" he added as his big hand parted the soft brown hair down.

"Jongho. Do you want to end our deal? Like destroy it." San asked out of the blue and Jongho titled his head in question. "Why though?"

"I mean, you can take the offer and never see me again. You're always awkward around me anyway. That must be uncomfortable as fuck." San reasoned and Jongho was confused with himself cause why does he hate the idea? He should be happy San is offering 'peace' to him.

"B-bu-" Jongho stoped talking as he didn't really know what he wanted to say. "But?" San echoed curiously. Jongho shook his head but then looked up determined. "I'm not awkward around you" he stated and it made San laugh genuinely. "Was I in the room when that happened?" He joked and Jongho unconsciously slapped the toned bicep with a gasp.

"Don't you wish to never see me again?" San asked with a raised eyebrow, it sounded too disheartened for his usual cocky demeanor. Jongho shook his head no, way too fast almost as if it was an automatic response. "No I don't." He spat, blushing. "And I am not a quitter. I haven't done my part of the deal." He whispered.

San's eyes widened momentarily before he smirked again. Pulling the boy flat against his chest he licked the red lips sensually. "Do you really want to complete it?" San asked teasingly. The human gasped once again at the other's actions before he cleared his throat.

"Well yeah. Sometime" he replied sassily and San snorted. "But when?" He joked and Jongho huffed. "I don't know. Does it matter to you?" His forehead creased with worry, looking at the demon through his eyelashes.

San cupped the boy's cheeks softly as he pulled him close for a soft kiss that left the teenager tracing the older's retreating lips desperately.

"It doesn't matter. I'm gonna wait for you to complete it." San replied with shining eyes. "And doesn't this mean you are exclusively reserved for this sexual deal with me until then?" Jongho boldly asked as he wrapped his hands around the other's neck.

San nuzzled the younger's nose with his own as he giggled. "Why? Are you jealous?" He challenged and the human shrugged nonchalantly. "Yes" he finally replied and it made San groan.

"Okay. I'll be exclusively reserved for this deal." He promised as he kissed the other one more time, smiling into the kiss when he felt Jongho tightening the hug.

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