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⚠️double update ⚠️

Hongjoong was sat by his window, staring out of it as he laid his head on his forearm. Such a beautiful weather, yet his heart was moody and his eyes were dark, no matter how bright the sun reflecting in them was.

His mother sighed at the sight. Her son has been so heartbroken after he broke up with his boyfriend. She pouted to herself as she walked towards the blonde. She laid a hand on his shoulder softly, making him flinch as he landed back on earth.

"What is it mom?" He looked up, a hand still tending to his fast bending heart. "Why don't you go out? It's an amazing day." She suggested tilting her head to the side with a soft half smile on her lips.

Hongjoong closed his eyes, enjoying the way his mother's hand was combing his hair. "I don't want to. I'm fine." He whispered. But his mom's loud sigh made him open his eyes again. "What?" He furrowed his brows. "Baby. You've been mopping around ever since that day" she emphasized 'that' not wanting to talk in details. "Why don't you go out with Jongho? There are so many people prettier than Yunho" she said at last but Hongjoong took offense at the statement.

"No one is prettier than Yunho mom." He corrected her before he sighed. "And I don't want to meet anyone at the moment." He sent a harmless glare at the woman. She chuckled as she raised her hands in a surrendering gesture. "How about that boy from class?" She raised an eyebrow suggestively.

Rolling his eyes Hongjoong giggled softly. "Mom I don't like Jongin, he is just a friend." He reminded her and the defensive tone was her cue to drop the interrogation. "Okay baby you know better." She sighed yet again before going back to the kitchen, mumbling about her chicken being in an over cooking danger.

Hongjoong looked down at his lap, feeling his phone vibrating. Without even looking at the caller he answered. The chances of the caller not being Jongho are zero.


There was the soft, deep voice that made his breath cease, his cheeks rise temperature and his heart run miles. "H-hello?" The teenager stuttered, maybe he was hallucinating.


The familiar voice called and the younger must have gone completely crazy to mistaken it for the second time. Feeling his eyes water he breathed shakily. "Y-Yunho?" He asked, begging any deity for him to be correct.

"Yes, yes it's me Hongjoong" the older's voice sounded relieved. "Hongjoong can we meet?" He whispered, not even knowing why he couldn't get his voice out. "Wh-why?" The human asked cautiously. "Hm. I have some things to say to you." Yunho said and even if it was a full sentence he lingered a bit so Hongjoong knew there was an 'and' so he waited patiently.

"And I miss you."

The demon sighed softly as he waited for the blonde to say something; anything at this point. Hongjoong almost sobbed at what he was told. Nodding his head he agreed. "Yes of course. I miss you too!" He rushed to say, afraid the demon would change his mind mid conversation.

"Can I come pick you up?" Yunho suggested and Hongjoong shot on his feet. "Yes! Sure. Sure I'll be ready in no time." He reassured.

"Okay. Come out whenever you're ready.... I'm already outside." He whispered shyly. Gasping Hongjoong's eyes searching out of the window desperately, his hand covering his mouth is surprise when he noticed the familiar demon hidden behind a tree in front of his window's view.

Wasting no time he opened the door, running towards the taller who widened his eyes at being spotted. Hongjoong couldn't hold his tears in as he wrapped his arms around the demon's waist, burying his head in the chest.

Yunho bit his lips, his eyebrows meeting as he tried his best to not seem weak in front of the human. That didn't stop him from wrapping his own arms around the younger's shoulders tightly though.

Hongjoong sobbed in sorrow as he felt the comfort he so desperately has been needing for weeks. Yunho gulped the lump in his throat down as he brought a hand to feather the back of the blonde's head. "Baby please don't cry" Yunho begged sadly.

The choice of words made Hongjoong pull his head up, staring at the brunette with wide wet eyes. "W-what did you call me?" His lower lip jutted out, too lost in his emotions.

Yunho sighed softly as his big hand stroked the wet cheeks lovingly. His eyes holding the loveliest of emotions in them. Bringing the boy's head closer he pressed it comfortably against the crook of his neck, his chin resting on top of it. Yunho closed his eyes, finally feeling at peace now that the younger was back in his presence.

"W-what did you want to tell me" Hongjoong sniffled, his eyes still producing tears. "Hongjoong," Yunho started, holding an eye contact as his hand feathered the side of the blonde's face affectionately once more. "I know. I hurt you so much. But I did it for a good reason. I didn't want you to take decisions you would regret in the future. But I'm must be such a bad person.." Yunho's voice trembled.

Hongjoong gasped shaking his head. "Why would you say that?" He exclaimed sharply. "Because I can't help but wanting you to take this decision even if you're going to regret at the end." Yunho confessed as he stared in the other's eyes again.

"W-what?" Hongjoong asked dumbfounded. "I can't help myself Hongjoong. I want to keep you beside me forever. I can't stop thinking about you. I can stop stalking you from this spot whenever you sit by the window. I can't help but feel like it should be me holding your hand whenever that tall kid brings you home at nights" Yunho rambled uncontrollably, pouting all his locked up emotions at once.

"Do you really mean that?" Hongjoong whimpered. "Then who was that blonde man? He was way out of my league and you too looked pretty close with each other" a soft sob escaped from his chest as he recalled the last time he faced the demon.

"Who? Yeosang? I don't even know him! I was on a mission." Yunho defended desperately. "Was he a ghost?" Hongjoong cried freaked out and Yunho couldn't keep the chuckle in. "No baby. No! He's a human. My friend needed my help which is not important right now." Yunho kissed the shorter's forehead.

"Are you sure you don't like him?" Hongjoong asked yet again, feeling self conscious. Yunho nodded his head hundred times in a second. "I swear! I really don't know him. It was the first time I met him!" He promised and Hongjoong sighed in relief.

"And do you mean it when you say that you'll accept me? Please don't be saying that just to be kind. I really love you so much!" Hongjoong blurted and Yunho gasped widening his eyes.

His shock turned to an expression of pure adoration as he ducked to peck Hongjoong's lips quickly. "I swear to you. I love you too Hongjoong. I'm so sorry to put you through so much pain and suffering. And I'm sorry for being selfish and wanting you to willingly go to Hell in the future." Yunho apologized genuinely.

Hongjoong shook his head, his hands clutching at the other's clothes for dear life. "If I'm with you it will always be heaven!" Hongjoong sniffled, closing his eyes when Yunho leaned over to kiss his lips softly one more time.

After a few minutes of just holding onto each other Hongjoong let go, wiping his dried tears with a bright smile on his face. "Mom is cooking dinner. Wanna join?" He extended a hand and Yunho smiled back as he accepted the invitation. "I'd love to" he whispered as they both walked towards the house, hand in hand.

Istg idk why I always make Hongjoong cry in my fan fictions 💀
Also one more chapter left.
Yay Yunho is finally honest with himself!

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