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Seonghwa sighed as he tended to their youngest grim reaper who groaned painfully. Clicking his tongue the pink head shot a pointed look to the brunette.

"Yunho... how many times do I have to tell you to stop interfering with that boy's life?" He scolded yet his tone was soft. "I can't" the younger moaned painfully, his ribs killing him. "Why do you have to be putting yourself through this pain for a mere human?" Seonghwa raised his voice concerned but the hiss the latter emitted made him sigh again. "It's okay." The brunette whispered but Seonghwa wouldn't have any of that.

"What is okay Yunho? You know using your healing powers as a grim reaper on humans is never okay!" He shouted and Yunho rolled his eyes calling him dramatic. "It's just a little pain" he whined and Seonghwa slapped his aching sides at that; making him wail.

"See? You have to feel trice his physical pain for months Yunho! And you've healed him three times in less than a month! This is not just a little pain!" The older frowned at the other's scrunched up face.

"Seonghwa, stop it" Yunho said sternly. "No I will not, and I'm older than you!" He nagged, moving around as he cleaned around the younger's room mumbling to himself how younger generations had no respect anymore.

Walking towards the hurting demon Seonghwa leaned down. "Sit on your butt and lift that tee" he demanded, wrapping a gauze around the latter's torso for support. "Sleep some" he said before kissing the crown of the youngest's head. As he waltzed towards the door he halted spitting an annoyed "And don't you even think of meeting that troublemaker today!" storming off to put emphasis on his frustration.

San whistled as he saw Seonghwa strolling towards the living room. "Who got you a stick up your ass?" He chuckled at the sour expression on the other's face. The pink haired demon only glared at him before dropping himself next to San. "Yunho" he whined, cuddling on San's chest.

San didn't even try to pry the other away slowly; he straight away shoved him to the other end of the sofa as he dusted the place Seonghwa put his face disgustedly. "I can hear you all you want I didn't say touch me" he scoffed at the look of disbelief Seonghwa displayed at the moment.

"You little piece of shit..." Seonghwa uttered feeling dejected. One of the things Seonghwa misses from when he was human was the cuddles he would have with his friends when he was upset... before he was caught by the police of course. And that's why he adores Yunho. Yunho reminds him to feel in the dull underworld they live in. Yunho is very human like and Seonghwa liking Earth; loves that for the younger.

His mind flashed him the red haired human he has been fucking for the past few weeks and his lips stretched out in a smile. Would it be weird to just go to hung out with the younger?

Clearing his mind with a shake of his head Seonghwa clicked his fingers teleporting to his apartment on Earth. San stared at the spot previously occupied by the pink haired man dumbfounded. "A bye wouldn't hurt" he jabbered before he closed his eyes for a nap.


Grabbing his phone Seonghwa dialed the only number he saved in his phone waiting impatiently, sighing in relief when the happy greetings echoed from the other side of the line. "Hey baby..." he whispered and Wooyoung asked him if anything is wrong making him sigh again. He's in the days where he gets stressed and worried over in his own world and has no one to turn to so it's taking a toll on him.

"Hm... baby... would it be too unprofessional if I asked you to come over. But not for sex... I mean I'm not erasing it from the list but I just want your company... if you don't-"

"Woah woah hold on mister!" Wooyoung giggled "If you're asking me in a house date I am coming if you're asking me to go as a friend you have no interest in then I'm not" the human sing sung and Seonghwa's breath hitched. "You want to date?" He asked surprised "Mmmaybe?" Wooyoung replied playfully and Seonghwa smiled brightly. "Okay then, are you coming over for a date?" He laughed jumping like a puppy when the other agreed.

When he opened the door to an excited Wooyoung he felt himself getting calm in the inside, smiling when the shorter hanged himself on his shoulders for an innocent kiss "I'm glad you agreed to come" the taller said and Wooyoung cocked his head to the side showing his a blindingly bright smile.

"I'm glad you agreed to date"

A short chapter revolving around Seonghwa. I really like his character 😖✊

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