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Wooyoung sat next to a quiet Yeosang who was pouting uncontrollably 24/7 since a week ago. Of course Wooyoung knows what happened. Noting goes past his nose when it occurs to the specific blonde.

"Okay, you were no fun originally since birth but now it's way worse like please" Wooyoung moaned impatiently as he scrunched his nose. Yeosang glared at the older nudging him away with his shoulder. "What do you want? You're the one invading my house and peace it's not the other way around" he huffed, frowning when Wooyoung laughed wholeheartedly.

"Do you want me to ask Seonghwa to manage a 'surprise' meeting?" The red head wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. However, even if it sounded perfect to the younger he still shook his head no because Mingi was way more annoying now that he admitted to himself that he MIGHT have a crush on him.

"No, he made it pretty clear that he just wanted to fuck and nothing more" the blonde groaned as he cuddled against his friend's side. "Oh come on, you're freaking gorgeous he just afraid of catching feelings. Seonghwa says he keeps talking about you one way or another all the time" the older casually said, Yeosang snapping his head at the new information, intrigued. "What? What did he say!?" Yeosang shouted surprised and curious at the same time.

The tanner laughed, throwing his head back in amusement before he shrugged his shoulders. "I really don't know he didn't swerve into it" he pouted apologetically, I mean he had the time to ask but occupied it with not suitable for work stuff.

The younger rolled his eyes not surprised at his friend's antics. Rolling his head tiredly from left to right he sighed again, deflating against Wooyoung. "I told you I can organize you meet with him!" Wooyoung emphasized again and the younger's breath hitched probably considering the offer for real.

"But he says he doesn't want to" the blonde fought back, more with his heart than his friend. Wooyoung rolled his eyes at the younger. "Yeosang he is lying" the other said with persuasion and Yeosang sighed once again.

"Okay that's it I'm not asking for your permission anymore I'm going to Seonghwa's house today and you're coming with me. Otherwise I'm gonna lock you in here" the older warned, and even if it was his own house; Wooyoung was crazily insane so it didn't sound as a joke to him. It has happened before, long story.

Yeosang ignored the man next to him and just turned to lay on his side. The latter didn't waste time as he glued himself on Yeosang, spooning him in his arms. "I love you" he whispered and Yeosang faked a whine but still tightened his hold on the other's arms.

He was shaken awake about 2 hours after than that again by a red head that was all in his face. "What do you want?" He whined and Wooyoung cooed like he was a 5 year old acting cute for his mother.

"We're going out for a movie night. Get ready I picked an outfit for you" the older ordered and the blonde had no choice but to roll his eyes. "Okay" he whispered in annoyance as he dragged his feet to the bathroom.

With Wooyoung rushing him as if the world would end if he took more than 16 minutes to be ready, they arrived to their destination way earlier than Yeosang would have hoped for.

The unfamiliar yet familiar pink haired man opened the door his smile bright enough to light up the darkened sky. "Baby" he mewled pulling Wooyoung in for a soft peck on his lips. It made Yeosang smile too, who knew his player of a friend would be hooked on a man that he just wanted to have a one night stand with? Such an irony.

"Hello Yeoseng" he nodded once to acknowledge the shorter and Yeosang bit back the remark scratching his throat, smiling instead as he huffed to himself. "Sang.. and hi too" he said as he rocked on his heels waiting to be invited inside cause it was starting to get chilly.

"Oh where did my manners go... come in" he winked at the tanner who shamelessly squealed loudly. Wooyoung grabbed Yeosang's hand tightly, pulling him inside.

And the moment Yeosang dreaded came as he made eye contact with Mingi, who didn't try to hide the way his eyes rolled at the sight of the blonde.

It made the younger want to turn away and hide in his apartment but Wooyoung hold his grip strong on his arm. The older's eyes told him to ignore the taller and just go on with what they came here for and oddly enough that gave him emotional support as he huffed some of his stress away.

He confidently strolled towards the sofa the taller was at, sitting right next to him, not acknowledging him once. Mingi would lie if he said that it didn't poke his heart in a weird way.

"So what movie we watching?" His social butterfly of a friend asked excitedly and Yeosang chuckled softly. "Anything you want." They all said at the same time sending Wooyoung in a laughing fit. "That was funny. Well let's watch a horror movie." He said, an eyebrow raised challengingly as he looked at his friend. Yeosang glared at the other, knowing his plan really well. The blonde might like horror movies that doesn't mean that he isn't scared of them though.

"Oooh yeah that would be so fun" the pink haired added as excited. "It's set then..." the tan male sing sung as he browsed the movie application.

Yeosang felt the way Mingi kept pinning him with his eyes and it made him elevate. He intentionally didn't turn his head to the man. Until he felt a finger poking his thigh almost shyly. "What do you want?" He asked with a fake attitude as he looked sternly at the raven head. "You." Mingi replied and Yeosang almost choked on his own saliva.

"Oh? So now that you want me I have to pretend you weren't a complete dick a few days ago?" Yeosang rolled his eyes, this time the anger more real than a mere act he put up before.

"I never said I didn't want you. I said you can't like me." The taller fought back and Yeosang gasped exasperated. "And I never asked your permission to like you or not. Like stop acting like you own the damn place." Yeosang spat back and he did noticed the cautious eyes of his best friend but he didn't wither.

"Let's go talk somewhere else" Mingi whisper-yelled as he wan the d privacy when things related to Yeosang. "I don't want to." Yeosang jerked his shoulder to emphasize his words. However Mingi grabbed his elbow pulling his close enough for his lips to rub delicately against his ear. "Please" he begged and called Yeosang stupid but he gave in nodding his head.

Mingi pulled him up, walking towards the spacious bathroom of the handsome man in the living room. They walked in and Mingi closed the door securely behind them. "Look. I still don't think it's okay for you to like me but I can't stop thinking about you... and I keep wanting to see you. But you can't be seen with me too much. It's dangerous" Mingi said while keeping an eye contact with the shorter who was looking back at him with a mix of emotions portraying in his eyes.

"Yeah but you keep thinking on about yourself you know that?" Yeosang said softly while looking at his feet, a blush painting his cheeks red. Mingi gasped at that as he ducked to come face to face with the blonde. "What? Why do you believe that?" He whispered carefully and Yeosang smirked sadly.

"You keep saying you can't do this or that yet you don't consider my feelings at all and keep acting like a jerk" he unloaded his chest of all the negativity he kept in as he stared at the older.

Mingi bit the inside of his cheek anxiously as he silently watched the human. "I'm sorry?" He responded with. Mingi is a demon since birth. He didn't become one because he did an awful act. Neither did he lived as a human ever in his lifetime. It was always hard for him to reciprocate feelings the way human knew how to. He does feel sorry for Yeosang but he also knows a born human and a born demon is not a peaceful nor a good match.

But he is willing to try for Yeosang. He just needs Yeosang to believe in him.

With that in mind he cupped the soft cheeks and leaned in to peck the plump lips as softly, feeling his chest boosting up when the blonde did not pull away but closed his eyes to enjoy the moment.

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