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Yunho instructed the human to close his eyes as Mingi did a few weeks ago. He did not feel anything in particular just a slight numbness on his toes and fingers.

When he opened his eyes he looked around in confusion cause this looked much like earth. "Did we come to Hell?" Yeosang asked and Yunho gasped before rushing to clasp a hand over his mouth harshly. "Be quiet!" He hissed in his face and the blonde raised two hands in a surrendering manner.

Huffing Yunho pulled his hand back gentler. "Okay I'm gonna take you to him but promise me you'll shut up and question nothing cause there're a lot of things at stake." Yunho whispered and Yeosang nodded his head, kind of scared at the point.

People say that angels are ugly and demons are beautiful and if you ask the human that was so much true cause everyone here looked like models. Fashion was at its peak and they all were polished.

After a while of just walking they arrived in front of a huge black door that Yunho knocked on. A second later it creaked open and the familiar black eyes peaked warily before they widened upon the discovery that Yeosang was in front of it.

Opening the door wider the demon grabbed Yeosang's arm to pull him in before shooing Yunho away, mumbling a mere thank you before he closed it in his face.

They took approximately three seconds of just studying each other before they both lunged forward, lips locking as Yeosang jumped to wrap arms and thighs around the taller.

Mingi, whose hands flew to the human's bottom to support, squeezed the globes tastefully, whimpering at the fact that his human was back in his arms. Illegally at that, such a turn on.

Void of oxygen Yeosang pulled back, panting as he threw his head back, moaning at the sting the demon's sharp teeth gave him. "Mingi" he moaned before he bit his lip to keep his volume low.

"Baby" the demon rasped back as he let his tongue paint the white neck with invisible ink. Yeosang jumped down, pushing the latter to sit of the bed behind him. Mingi who obeyed eagerly sucked a breath in when he saw the blonde getting on his knees for him, spreading his legs further.

Yeosang who wasted zero time kept his hands busy with the task of unbuckling the leather belt, pulling the zipper down as fast. Licking his lips he pulled the already semi hard shaft out.

Maybe not seeing Mingi for this long took a bigger toll on his body and hormones than he originally thought it would.

Bringing his head closer he hovered over the dick, spitting on the head as his hand wrapped around it, to spread the liquid over it, pumping the meat torturously slowly.

Mingi's eyes fluttered shut as his hands as if on muscle memory grabbed the soft blonde locks tightly, pulling them when the wet, sharp tongue welcomed itself on his cock.

Yeosang whined at the hair pulling, but not in a complaining fashion. He let the older manhandle him as he felt himself being forced lower to take the length in his mouth. He moaned when his felt it reach the back of his throat.

Bobbing his head in a tasty rhythm he intentionally made the nasty noises, knowing pretty damn well how much the taller loved these.

Mingi on the other hand felt his dick twitch with desire before he pulled on the hair hard enough to urge Yeosang to let go. Whining the human pulled away, breaking the single thread of saliva with his tongue.

Mingi cocked his head to the side for a second signaling for the human to join him on the bed. "On all fours" he spat and Yeosang's whole body spasmed with excitement.

Doing as was told he turned his head to look over his shoulder, anticipating the next step. The demon grabbed his sweatpants' waistline before he pulled them down. Usually Yeosang would be embarrassed or even shy about this whole situation but a bigger part of him magically turned into an experienced, horny slut when Mingi was at the other end.

Mingi dropped on the floor, as his hands grabbed each cheek to spread them apart, sucking a breath in when the pink puckering rim made its appearance. Not debating whether he should be slow or not he run his tongue over it. His cock enjoyed the loud moan that followed way more than his brain did.

Moaning as well he let his lust take over as he pushed his tongue beyond the tight wall of muscles, never comparing about the fact the the human pushed his ass flat on his face.

Yeosang's head banged against the mattress as his hands pulled his own hair. Moaning he pushed his face harder on the bed, not knowing how loud he was allowed to be. "Oh my god" he moaned as he felt the tongue reaching as far as it could.

"M-Mingi" he hissed at the sudden slap his thigh received. Groaning Mingi pulled back for the oxygen that he didn't have as he bit his lips hungrily. "You're so fucking sexy" he growled as he slapped the red ass cheek once.

Pulling back he let two of his fingers penetrate the other, spreading the digits as much and as far it was physically possible. Curling his fingers he smirked when the reaction was loud, targeting the spot more eagerly as he felt his lust reach its limit, his other hand moving towards his own cock to give it a bit of attention.

"Mingi. Please" the human whimpered and the demon almost came at how needy it came out. "Please what Yeosang?" He whispered and the other almost cried at the continue pleasure he got.

"Please I need you." He whimpered once again but Mingi was too Yeosang deprived to not have a tad of sadistic fun. "Need me for what babydoll?" He chuckled at the frustrated huff before he hummed as if he was reminding the blonde that he was waiting for a response.

"I need you to fuck me, please" he desperately dropped his dignity as his fists held the sheets in a deadly grip.Mingi's eyes rolled at the back of his head as he pulled his fingers out. He licked the Yeosang liquid off, moaning at the same time.

Pulling the sweatpants lower he pulled the body close to the edge of the bed as he held the hips strongly. "I can't wait to have you" he grinned before he kissed the other's exposed waist. He guided his cock towards the entrance, not playing around this time around. He pushed forward enjoying yet again the nasty moans.

He pushed at far as he could, pausing a bit to give time for the human to collect himself before he pulled back only to thrust violently into the younger.

Yeosang taken by surprise at the force cried out, his face burying on the dark sheets. Mingi thrusted more and more harshly into the human as the seconds ticked away, groaning at the view of his dick disappearing behind the velvety walls.

Riding the lustrous waves he tightened his grip on the hips, his fingers dipping into the flesh as he forced the hips to collide agains his own, the clapping sound only adding to his hunger. "That's it baby, that's right. You take me so well." He complimented as his release was blinking at him.

"Fuck" Yeosang panted as he turned to look at the demon, biting his lower lip at how turned on the taller looked. Mingi made an accidental eye contact, growling before he let himself drop on top of the human to connect their lips in an awkward way.

It didn't matter. What mattered was the fact that both were a breath away from climax. The human allowed himself to masturbate as he moaned loud enough, his cum squirting out.

Mingi wasn't late either, he felt himself come, his cum creating its own art in the human's body. He moaned as some of it spilled out and around his dick.

Pulling out his pushed the human to lay on his side as he joined him to wrap his arms around him protectively. He smiled at the spent expression on the other's face before he hummed satisfied. "I missed you." He confessed and Yeosang shot him a halfhearted glare. "It didn't seem like it the past month..." he pouted and Mingi was fast with kissing that away.

"I will explain everything to you I swear." He promised but Yeosang shook his head. Climbing on top of the other, he laid his head on the broad chest as he played with Mingi's sleeve. "Later. Let me enjoy your company for the moment." He whispered vulnerably and Mingi's eyes lit with love at how cute and sweet the beautiful human was being. "Sure that's a pleasure for me" he whispered back as his lips left a soft peck on the sweaty hair.

He finally felt the emptiness being filled within himself. He wrapped his hands tigger around the younger, as if he was afraid he'd disappear from his sight.

Whoops 🙂‍↔️
Not really a lot of chapters left at this point. But I am already writing my 3rd ateez story 👀... I'm having a huge dilemma of what my main couple will be (ship) so if you have any ideas please shoot them. 🧚💗

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