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When Yeosang woke up the next morning he looked next to his side alarmed, however his tension evaporated when he saw that a certain demon was still next to him sleeping peacefully.

For some odd reason that made a warm feeling spread across his whole body. He bit his lip in thought. Yeah sure that made him happy but Mingi is more complicated than the Bermuda Triangle itself.

The younger shifted in his position for a bit before he decided to not let himself get too much hope because history repeats and he doesn't want to go back to feeling like nothing he just recently got himself to believe that he can overpass the older.

His movement seemed to disturb the demon's sleep cause he woke up before Yeosang had the chance to even uncover himself. "Baby?" Mingi whispered with his sleep induced heavier voice and Yeosang felt his stomach squeeze at that.

The huskiness was so intense it made Yeosang's toes curl unintentionally. Clearing his throat Yeosang made the mistake of looking to the other, his breath hitching.

Mingi looked so fucking sexy at the moment. His black thick hair was disheveled, facing each possible directions, his lips were kinda plump from sleep and his eyes were half closed.

Yeosang bit his lip unconsciously, his eyes slowly undressing the little clothes on the taller's body. And Mingi is no stupid he knew that look, has gotten it a lot of times. But save Yeosang giving him that look was probably the hottest thing in the world and underworld altogether.

Mingi wordlessly clutched on the blonde's elbow, pulling him towards himself; close enough to have the younger hover over him. The latter stunned, widened his eyes slightly, mouth hanging agape because of the sudden close proximity.

The taller chuckled finding the human cute as he leaned to place a sweet peck on the full lips. The younger gasped surprised yet again. But he didn't move away either, wishing deep within himself that the sweet actions didn't stop at that single kiss.

And they did not.

Since Mingi ducked a tiny bit to place yet another peck on his rosy cheeks. And the blonde subconsciously leaned in to feel the warmth of the other's lips more.

That made Mingi smile wholeheartedly, surprised that the other didn't yank himself out of his hold.

Yeosang confident and Mingi deprived enough, shifted so that he could straddle the older, both of his knees beside each side of Mingi's hips. Letting his forehead rest against the taller's for extension of physical contact. The human closed his eyes feeling content as the big palms of the other's glided tastefully over his naked thighs.

"What are you thinking about?" Mingi asked, letting his lips press on the tip of the shorter's nose. Yeosang shook his head before he voiced his thoughts. "That I really like this. But you're playing cold and hot depending on your mood and it's stressful." The one on top said honestly but Mingi cupped his cheeks, lifting the head just enough to lock him in an eye contact.

"No! I promise you I will give you my all" Mingi said with determination as he furrowed his brows for emphasis. "I really will. Please trust me this once and if I let you down-" he was about to say he will give him the right to demolish him but Yeosang doesn't know he is a demon.

"If you let me down?" Yeosang nudged waiting for the so much needed continuation. "I will disappear from your life forever" Mingi chose to say and Yeosang bit his lips at how honest and genuine the taller sounded.

Yeosang was tired of trying to avoid anything that had to do with possible unwanted outcomes and he really wanted to let himself enjoy the moments Mingi could gift him even if it turned out to be a heartbreak. With that in his heart he nodded his head smiling. "Okay".

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