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Yeosang was out in the park, the one he usually takes his canvas with for peace of the mind. He was currently drawing the view in front of him; minus the children. He drew the trees, the benches... it was genuinely a happy time for him. So much it reflected to the small smile on his lips.

Sighing he reached for his take away cup only to pout at the realization that he had drank it all. However, before he had the opportunity to put it down a similar cup was shoved in to his free hand. Flinching at the suddenness he snapped his head to the side, eyes widening when he realized it was the stranger, Mingi.

"Hi" Mingi said waving an awkward hand. "H-hi" the human stuttered back. "How did you know I'm here?" he asked still in a surprised state, eyeing the older while he took a seat beside him as he took a sip from the new drink.

"What are you drawing?" Mingi asked as he neared his head towards Yeosang's; the latter's breath hitching at the closeness. He spaced out while observing Mingi's features. He looked intimidating once again. His eyes were sharp, his nose was big and straight and his lips were the best balance between full and thin.

When no reply came back Mingi turned his head to the younger only to find him staring. Smirking he leaned closer, his breath fanning over Yeosang's lips. "Want a kiss?" He grinned, laughing when the blonde shook his head blushing. Pushing the demon away, Yeosang cleared his throat. "What are you doing here?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "I wanted to see your pretty face, flower boy" the taller winked and Yeosang felt his cheeks burning.

"You're so creepy like get out of my life." The human whined and Mingi chuckled, circling a hand around the slime waist. "I don't think so, baby doll" he whispered into his ear before he placed a kiss right under his jaw. Yeosang sucked a breath in at the action.

Standing up he looked at the sky that was beginning to turn grey. Before Yeosang had the chance to even say that rain is close, the raindrops met him first. "Oh! Oh no!" He whispered under his breath as he took his jacket off to cover his painting. Rushing back to his house which fortunately was not too far away; he failed to notice that Mingi followed his closely behind.

As he entered his house and was about to close the door, that's when he noticed the drenched raven head man. Gasping his eyebrows met "Why are you still here?" He whined and Mingi shrugged his shoulders. "Well your house is way closer than mine... let me crash here for the night" the older wiggled his eyebrows in a playful manner and Yeosang pushed him back by the chest as he strolled in confidence.

"I don't remember saying yes" the blonde defended and Mingi faked a very adorable puppy like pout; if you ask Yeosang. Shoulders deflating, the human moved out of the way, allowing Mingi to get in. The latter smirked as he hurried in, before the stubborn male changed his mind.

"I don't have clothes your size" Yeosang spat as he eyed the wet clothes of the taller. Mingi walked over to the human, stopping an inch away from him and Yeosang instinctively backed away. The memories of last week too fresh in his mind.

"Don't worry baby. I'm not going to molest you... I am not that bad" Mingi grinned again and Yeosang felt his insides churning. "Then don't come near me." Yeosang huffed and Mingi laughed at him. "I just wanted to go to your bathroom" Mingi said nonchalant pointing at the door on the wall behind Yeosang.

The blonde felt embarrassed so he just rolled his eyes sprinting to his bedroom. He ignored the way Mingi was giggling behind him and just chose some home clothes to give to his uninvited guest.

When they were awkwardly seated on his sofa Yeosang looked at the stunning stranger confused. "You still didn't tell me how you knew I was at the park" he confronted. "I told you I have my own ways" was all Mingi let out and the painter huffed in frustration. "No! You can't keep giving me this answer cause one; it's creepy as fuck and two; isn't considered as an answer!" Yeosang shouted annoyed.

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