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Hongjoong and Jongho haven't really talked since about 3 days ago when the blonde was seeking refugee in the younger's room. Hongjoong felt bad for worrying his friend and still being unable to let him help. He didn't want to bother the younger. Jongho was the best human on earth, he was carrying, sweet, honest. Hongjoong decided that he doesn't want to darken the other's bright life so he put some growing distance between them.

Hongjoong remembers very clearly how uncomfortable and on edge Jongho was the next morning, it left an anxiety present in him. He, of course, didn't know what unfolded while he slept. Jongho tried to tell him and to reassure him that nothing about his distress had to do with Hongjoong. But, the blonde has a strong anxiety problem and is very self conscious.

It was Wednesday today and his father would be back from the business trip he went on. Hongjoong's heart was literally dropped to his stomach. He didn't know what to expect. The only thing that calms him a bit is the fact that his brother was sent to a school abroad and wouldn't be available for abuse.

Hongjoong's breath hitched. The car. He just heard the car door closing. His mom was not in the house at the moment. That usually was very stressful and honestly dangerous.

"Kim Hongjoong!" His father's angry voice resonated and the latter sprinted to meet him not wanting to anger him further. "Yes, sir?" The boy looked at his feet, his hands flexed in a trembling fists. "I got an email from your university." His father said and the blonde's heart skipped a beat. "Wh-what, wha-what was it-it about?"

His father kicked his shin suddenly, causing him to yelp in pain, surprised. "I've told you a hundred times to not stutter. What are you an idiot? Of course you are. Who am I kidding." His father rolled his eyes and Hongjoong bit his lips, trying to avoid crying.

"You fucking skipped university for 3 days!" The man walked threateningly over, Hongjoong cowering on spot. "What were you doing? Did you go whore around again?" He shouted and Hongjoong flinched shaking his head violently. "N-no, no father"

His head was harshly pushed to the side, his temple hurting as his father's rough fingers came in contact with it. "Stop lying. I pay for you to be there on your best behavior!" His father pinched his ear painfully and Hongjoong grabbed his father's hands pleadingly. "B-but father I am! My ribs were hur-"

Hongjoong's words were interrupted by his own scream as his father kneed his sides. "This ribs? I'm going to break them all. Stop lying!" He yelled, grabbing Hongjoong by his hair. "And fucking change this hair color. Fucking faggot" he continued, pulling Hongjoong with him by his grip.

Hongjoong whimpered as his head was stinging. They arrived in front of the small storage of their house and Hongjoong shook his head, unshed tears in his eyes as he used his weight to stop being pulled away.

His father glared at him as he let him go. "Fucking move." He shouted in his face. "Father. Please no. Not the storage" he begged but all he got was a hard slap in his face. "You don't get to order me around, slut" he growled. "B-but father! I'm not lying!" He accidentally raised his voice, crying when he realized, looking at his father through wide eyes.

Sighing his father used all his strength when he landed a punch on his jaw, his lip busting open. "You fucking bitch. You never learn do you? You shouting at who? You uneducated fool!" He shouted, giving another slap. "You are an abomination of this world." His father spat, two fingers pushing Hongjoong's forehead back. "You shouldn't have been born. You are worthless. The cause of all my miseries!" He pushed again.

Hongjoong's tears rolled down as his body shook. His father opened the storage room before he pushed him against the wall. "Stay here and don't utter a single word." His father spat at him, his saliva landing on the boy's unclothed foot.

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