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Yeosang gasped, getting startled in his sleep. He felt hands all over his body, suffocating him in an embrace. He tried squinting his widely opened eyes to adjust his vision.

His heart was beating in his mouth when he sighed in relief, seeing none other than his Mingi at his side. It took him a few seconds to realize that freaking Mingi is IN his bed. Or more accurate on Earth as he pushed him back, spurting on his butt.


"Oh my God!" He screamed in the demon's face as he lunged forward to wrap the other's neck in a death grip. Waiting no more he hopped to straddle the older, tightening his hug. "Oh my god" he repeated but only in a whisper this time.

Mingi, too, wrapped his hands around the smaller body, running his fingers on the younger's back in a comforting manner. "My baby" he whispered against the smooth forehead, taking a deep breath of his natural scent before he placed a peck on the same spot.

Yeosang pushed his head back softly taking in the demon's handsome features with a longing look in his warmth emitting sparkling eyes. Bringing his hands to cup the sharp jaw he pulled it towards him, pressing his pillowy lips softly against the other's.

Mingi tilted his head slightly, deepening the kiss as his big hand pressed on the back of the blonde fluff of hair. Taking his sweet time to explore the warmth of the other's wet cavern.

Biting Yeosang's full lower lip he sucked on it before he let it bounce back into place. He appreciated the swell on the lips more than he was supposed to as Yeosang buried his face in the crook of his neck, shyly.

Mingi chuckled before his hands cupped the perky ass, supporting him from slipping down. Scratch that, he just wanted to hear the hiss that echoed right after he squeezed each globe.

Yeosang slid closer to the older due to the squeezing, gasping when his chest collided against Mingi's. Mingi took the opportunity to guide Yeosang's hips to grind against his crotch, making the human shiver at the sudden friction.

Yeosang's face was slightly higher than the demon's, the full lips grazing Mingi's upper lip, and again the latter didn't let the chance slip; he pulled his tongue out running it over same lips, loving the way Yeosang whimpered weakly.

"Do you know how much I missed you?" Mingi growled as he ducked his head to place a little kiss on the side of the milky white neck. Feeling the goosebumps raising all over his body Yeosang shook slightly before he bit his lip. "What did you miss about me?" He asked softly; his cheeks turning rosy again.

Mingi gave a gummy smile before he pecked Yeosang's lips again. "I missed your heavenly smelling hair.." he paused to sniff at the soft blonde hair, making Yeosang roll his eyes playfully. "I also missed your chubby little cheeks." He continued, placing a ticklish kiss on both cheeks, making Yeosang giggle softly, jerking his head away instinctively.

Mingi felt his heart swell with pure emotions before he smiled at Yeosang. "I also missed your beautiful honey brown eyes" he whispered, locking the human in a heart melting eye contact as he hovered slightly to kiss each of the mentioned eyes.

"Then, of course your button like nose" kiss, kiss. Yeosang snorted, not knowing if that was a compliment or not.

"But, I also missed your sexy, kissable lips." Mingi smirked sinfully at the human before he pulled on Yeosang's chin, making him open his mouth slightly as he leaned over to bite on his lower lip sensually.

Yeosang's breath hitched at that, previous merry bubble in his chest dissipating as he started feeling his body growing warmer.

Lust boiling in his stomach urged his hands to move on their own as the human rubbed the demon's chest slowly, before they travelled upwards again to unbutton the black shirt the other was wearing.

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