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San looked over to Jongho that was sleeping peacefully on his lap. San coaxed the younger to rest as he was yawning awfully long around the second movie.

Surprisingly Jongho wasn't as resistant as he was a couple of weeks ago. And that grinds weirdly within the demon. Why? Because San is starting to care about the human's feelings and he doesn't like that. He's only cared about himself and Yunho in all his afterlife. Why is he softening about a not even as attractive human teen.

Jongho stretched in his sleep before he opened his eyes, freezing when he saw the older looking at him with emotional eyes. The latter usually gave him either sex eyes or angry eyes nothing in between.

"S-San?" Jongho voiced hesitantly as he rose to his butt. As if woken from a trance San shook his head, eyes hardening. "Took you long enough to wake up, pet" he sassed and Jongho tensed. He doesn't like that nickname. It makes him feel less than an ant.

"Are you okay?" He asked again and San grunted. "Yes" he replies but he didn't really portray that. "Are you sure?" Jongho fiddled with his fingers and San sighed before he patted the boy's head. "Yes I'm okay" he said softer this time and Jongho unconsciously smiled at him.

"Can I ask you something?" Jongho asked and San nodded his head. "Why... why..." the human stuttered and San cocked his head to the side. "Why?" He repeated as he kept on staring at the now stressed human. When Jongho looked like he'd collapse San giggled.

"Why would you ask to ask something if the mere thought gets you borderline to the grave" he laughed to himself and Jongho sighed rubbing his nape. "You're totally right. Never mind." He fell back at the backrest defeated.

However, San surprised him by taking his hand in his bigger one, intertwining their fingers. "I know it sounds strange and like I'm out of my mind but I wish from now on you aren't as scared around me." San whispered while holding an eye contact with the human and Jongho felt his heart beating faster.

San looked too nice at the moment as if he wasn't a demon literally from hell. "Why?" Jongho asked boldly and San shrugged. "Cause I'm starting to like you. And the fact that you're around me" San confessed and the brunette's breath got caught in his throat.

"Wait what?" Jongho spat surprised yet doubtful as his furrowed eyebrows pinned the older down. "I mean it. And if you want me to make you trust that I can do that." San smirked and Jongho backed up instinctively as history told him long ago that San was far from innocent.

San chuckled shaking his head. "No, not that." He threw his head back, squeezing his eyes shut as a silent chuckle dance on his lips. "I will let you know whatever you want about Hongjoong. But only one per meeting." San suggested and Jongho thoughtlessly flew forward, grabbing San's forearm desperately.

"Really?" He exclaimed and San nodded his head smiling softly. "Then tell me where is he?" Jongho asked and San paused. "Is this really the first thing you want to know? I won't reply to anything else until the next time we meet." San reminded and Jongho nodded. "That's the most important at the moment and if I call for you, you have to appear anyway" Jongho explained smartly and San clicked his tongue amused at the sense of domination the younger felt. And it was true by the way, they are bonded because of the deal. San has to appear no matter what, any time the human asks for him. Smart little shit. San thought to himself, chuckling as he pinched the chubby cheek lovingly.

"Can you kiss me now?" San asked and Jongho gasped. "That wasn't a part of the new deal" Jongho frowned and San giggled at the reaction. "I know but I still want you to. I'm asking... and I'm being so nice. Don't you want to reward your master?" San cocked his head to the side. San knew what he was doing and Jongho knew what San was doing but he let himself get manipulated this once. He wanted to feel the other's lips and there was the chance.

Jongho shyly stretched his neck leaving a one millisecond long peck as he turns around to hide his face in between the armrest and backrest of the sofa.

San cooed in his mind as he clutched his heart as he felt a sense of adoration. He decided to not pressure the younger but he was San so he smirked to himself. "You call that a kiss? I feel lied to." San faked a pout but Jongho just released a muffled whine, shaking his body cutely.

"Okay. Whatever makes you feel more at ease." San patted the perky butt softly as he stood up. "Let's go" he sighed and that was Jongho's cute to turn around, confused. "Where to?" He raised a questioning eyebrow.

San laughed at him before he pointed at his house keys on the table. "Your house. I don't want your mom to call the cops on me for kidnapping." He joked and Jongho suddenly felt sad that he had to go home, and that made him rethink everything about his feeling towards the other and if he hated him as much as he tells himself he does.

"Oh.. okay" he puffed his cheeks and San smiled again. "If you're that disappointed you can come back next time. You can even sleep over." San suggested and Jongho smiled excitedly at the thought. "That would be really fun." Jongho whispered to himself but San heard it and it might have made him happy.

San drove the boy back home right after and they talked about some random topics. But they mostly revolved around the younger. When he parked he gave Jongho a pointed look. "You my little bird have even forgotten the reason we met each other. Hongjoong and his mom have moved houses. Pretty close to mine I'd say." He snorted when the human gave him a stunned expression.

Yes, he did forget that San told him that he would reply to him and that made him feel odd. "Oh... thanks! Next time take me to him." He requested and San nodded his head. "Sure." He smiled and then puckered his lips.

Jongho felt his cheeks raising temperature as he leaned in to give a quick peck, hearing the drumming of his heart in his ears. Opening the door with the speed of light he jumped out jogging to his front door shyly. However, he did give a last look at the older who waited in his parked car until he closed his door when he entered the house.

Today was not as bad as he thought it'd be.


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