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Yeosang woke up sweating and panting heavily. Turning on his nightstand's clock he noticed it only was 3:30 am. "Dear fuck-" he spat as he recalled the wetter than water dream he had about a certain man.

"Mingi..." he whispered biting the nail of his index. The dream was a whole new world, introduced him to new emotions and temptations.

He was startled when his phone rang, sending him into a flinching mode. Furrowing his brows, he picked it up pausing when the caller was unknown. Momentarily he got worried that something had happened to any of his friends so he hurriedly accepted the call.

"Hello?" He asked hesitantly. "Hi Yeosang" whispered the very familiar voice. Gasping the blonde shot up on his ass. "Mingi?!" He shouted and the taller snickered. "Hi baby" he said more firmly again. "Wh-why are you calling me in the middle of the night?" The painter cleared his throat and Mingi chuckled. "I just couldn't stop thinking about you"

When the human said nothing the demon proceeded. "I couldn't stop thinking of the way your lips felt against my own, how your waist is deliciously slim and it fits just right in my arms. And how I wanna taint that soft neck of yours" Yeosang let a soft mewl out at that before he bit his lips shyly. "Yeosang can you let me go back to your house?" Mingi almost begged and Yeosang had to debate within himself.

"Please" the caller said and Yeosang sighed what's the point of denying reality at this point? "Okay" he whispered and Mingi hummed satisfied. After his reply the taller hung up and not even 20 minutes later his doorbell was ringing.

Bitting his fingernails, Yeosang stood on his toes walking to the door. Mingi was dressed fashionably once again. He had black leather pants on, a black button up and a long black coat on. His eyes looked kind of unfocused hence the shorter brought a hand up his chest softly. "Mingi are you okay?" The blonde asked but all he got was the latter pushing him against the wall before he hunted down his lips.

The other spread his legs slightly apart as he placed a knee in between, kneading the semi hard on. Yeosang was still affected by his dream, don't get him wrong. However what got his attention more than the elephant in the room was the other's breath that reeked of alcohol. Thus, he pushed the taller back slowly staring back into each other's eyes for a second.

"M-mingi are you drunk?" The soft voice asked worriedly. "Maybe.. maybe I'm drunk in you" the husky voice resonated before Mingi ducked his head down to suck on Yeosang's neck. That elicited a loud moan out of the blonde who unconsciously let his head fall back to give more access to his neck. Mingi's hand circled around his waist as his palm slid to his ass, squeezing it hardly. Yeosang's own hands uncontrolled clutched on the black locks holding on for dear life as the taller was licking his skin leaving a fire up the trails.

"Jump" said Mingi and as a mouse caught in a spell Yeosang complied without resistance. This is so identical to his dream he was creeping goosebumps all over his body.

"Mingi-" Yeosang panted, patting the man's head that was buried in his neck. "What?" The latter replied breathing heavily through his nose. "Are you sure you're not drunk?" The blonde asks and at that Mingi smirked jerking his head upwards. Pecking the red lips he chuckled "The question is are you sure you're not?" He giggled nuzzling his nose against the smaller's.

Yeosang blushed at that shaking his head. "Do I look drunk?" He whined and the demon laughed. "No but this doesn't make any sense" he reasoned and the blonde shrugged. "I just want to explore" he acted nonchalant but his heart was beating in his mouth. "And I get the honor to be the experiment?" Mingi gasped, smirk deepening.

Yeosang rolled his eyes before he wrapped his arms tighter around the other's shoulders. "Are you going to keep talking?" He snapped and Mingi hummed before hissing. "Sassy as always I love that" he whispered as he ducked his head down once more, sucking right under the painter's ear, earning a moan that sounded like achievement to his ears.

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