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When Mingi returned home he mindlessly shut the door with a loud bang as he stormed in. The talk he had with his uncle too much on his nerve for him to not be frustrated.

Like who the heck does that old hag think he is? To threaten his relationship with the blonde? Unbelievable.

The demon flinched when a hand draped over his shoulder. Turning to the left he sighed when a soft peck was placed on his cheekbone. "Mingi? Is there anything wrong?" Yeosang whispered as he laid his head on the man's shoulder, his chest on the backrest of the sofa.

Shaking his head Mingi huffed before he patted his lap. Taking the note Yeosang tiptoed his way around before he plopped himself on the same lap.

The taller wrapped his hands tightly around the tiny waist before he buried his face in the smooth neck. The blonde took the opportunity to tangle his fingers on the raved locks as he pecked the cheekbone once more.

"You seem distressed. What's wrong?" Yeosang pressured again and Mingi took in a deep breath of his scent before he placed a peck on his neck. "Nothing my work was shit" he decided to say as he smiled softly at the worried expression the other portrayed. He brought his index to press between the blonde's eyebrows as he chuckled. "Don't stress your pretty head about it." He whispered before he lunged forward to peck the pouty lips.

"It took you long to return. I was getting bored." Yeosang said as he drew invisible lines on the other's chest. Mingi smirked as he lifted the other's head up with the two fingers that hooked under the sharp chin. "Is this your way of telling me you missed me?" If the red ears was any indication the younger nodded his head, his lower lip trapped between his teeth shyly.

"I missed you too my little painter" he responded lovingly as he feathered the soft locks an equally loving expression on his worried eyes.

"Why you looking at me like that?" Yeosang shied away and Mingi blinked confused. "Like what?", "Like we're married" Yeosang mumbled and Mingi chocked on his own saliva.

"Yeosang do you believe in the supernatural?" Mingi asked after the short awkward silence. Yeosang tilted his head considering the question. "Hmm" he stretched "I do actually. Not that I have any personal experience of it" he added and Mingi almost snorted at that.

"Would you want to experience it?" He asked again confusing the human even more but he didn't argue he just pondered over the odd question again. He giggled softly at the idea but he nodded his head. "If it's not any haunting ghost then I would be okay" he replied and the innocent answer won Mingi's genuine love.

"Are you scared of the thought of hell?" Mingi asked yet again and Yeosang's eyebrows met. "Are you trying to tell me something?" Yeosang asked instead and Mingi's breath got caught in his throat.

Honestly speaking Yeosang wouldn't think it would be crazy for Mingi to have to do anything with the supernatural. I mean how many humans have you met that their eyes turn red? Right?

"N-no" Mingi stuttered as he wrapped his hands around the smaller again. Yeosang giggled as he nuzzled the other's nose. "Why are you so cuddly all of the sudden?" Mingi just shook his body like a child with a soft whine.

Suddenly Mingi pulled back looking at him with a naughty smirk. "Did you actually do it before?" He asked and Yeosang raised an eyebrow. "Did what?" He asked naively and Mingi's smirk deepened. "Jerk off" he spat and Yeosang's face turned pink yet again. "I- I mean kinda..." he replied shyly and it was the demon's turn to raise a questioning eyebrow.

"Kinda?" He giggled as he tickled the smaller's side. "What did you do you naughty naughty painter?" Yeosang yelled at the sudden attack fidgeting in the taller's hold, a loud laugh escaping his lips as he threw his head back.

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