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"Yeosang" Mingi whispered softly as his big hand feathered the smooth hair affectionately. The human stirred in his sleep ever so slowly as he opened his tired eyes, squinting at the sudden light invading them.

"Mhm" he moaned stretching his sore body. "Mingi" he stretched the name too as he clung onto the demon for dear life. "Good morning princess." The taller smiled kissing the chubby cheek lovingly.

"Good morning" Yeosang replied back as he smiled cheekily at the pet name. "I missed you so much" he added, his lips taking an unconscious downturn. The raven head wrapped his hand around the slim waist tightly before he kissed the exposed forehead. "Me too baby. You have no idea" he rubbed his lips on the skin slowly, taking in the fact that the human was indeed in his arms, having crossed worlds just to meet him. It made him feel extremely warm.

"We need to talk though." The older said, his fingers tracing the naked torso. "Right now?" Yeosang pouted dissatisfied. "Yes, princess, right now. The sooner the better. We have things to decide. Especially you." Mingi booped the small nose sweetly, even though his tone was charged with strict finality.

Sighing Yeosang nodded his head. "Okay" he sat up to sit on his butt, facing the demon who copied his actions. "Baby," the deeper voice started and Yeosang wouldn't lie, his stomach churned in the sweetest way possible.

"There are some things you have to know before you take any decisions of this" he pointed a finger back and forth between them, referring to their relationship.

"What else is there? I already showed you that I don't care if you're a demon, a human or a dinosaur. I just want to be with you" Yeosang replied in a whiny tone.

Mingi chuckled, squeezing the human's hand reassuringly. "I love that. Really. But, you know usually demons and humans cannot interact the way we do." Mingi stretched his lips in a thin line. "Most likely because humans don't belong here... well at least as long as they are alive." He added and it made Yeosang emit a soft chuckle, amused.

"So? I mean rules are made to be broken." The blonde shrugged his shoulders and Mingi genuinely laughed at that. Ruffling the fluffy hair he gave a pointed look before continuing. "Yes my little puppy but there are prices to be paid. The rules in Hell state that humans who interact romantically with a demon have to be passed by to the underworld after they fulfill their purpose on earth." He paused, letting the younger process the information.

"Why? Love is love" Yeosang pouted as he fiddled with his hands and Mingi's dead heart squeezed in his chest. "I know my baby. But you're most likely reserved for Heaven and I don't want to take the opportunity from you. If you're not a demon... hell is not fun at all" he said pointedly. To make the other understand that this is a serious matter.

"Can't you make me a demon if that happens?" Yeosang asked innocently with big, wide eyes. Mingi paused to think but before he opened his mouth the first beat him to it. "I mean you say you're important here... if you can't even do that what kind of importance do you have." He mumbled sassily and it actually made Mingi laugh out loud.

"Would you really choose immortality in Hell just for me?" Mingi asked dreamily. So, so touched. Yeosang hummed once before he nodded his head yes. "Of course. As long as you can restore my pretty face." He seriously said and Mingi cackled. "My uncle is a dick" Mingi said sternly.

"Are you trying to make me break up with you?" Yeosang raised an eyebrow at the persistent negative remarks. The demon gasped offended "What? No! Why would you say that" he whined, pushing Yeosang by his shoulder softly.

"You keep finding reasons to make me say no" the human retorted frowning. "Baby, no. I'm trying to make you understand that this might be a decision you might regret in the far future." Mingi squeezed the younger's displayed thigh for emphasis.

"No I won't. I love you Mingi. Just because you didn't keep your hands to yourself, you made me think only of you. And your stupid kisses." Yeosang whined again and Mingi smirked before he pulled the smaller towards him, making him climb up his lap.

"Kisses like this?" Mingi whispered as he left a peck on the pillowy lips. Yeosang bit his lip as he nodded his head, blushing slightly. "Yes. So you have to take responsibility of your actions." He replied punching Mingi's chest powerlessly.

"Then are you sure? Because if you become immortal nothing with keep me away from you. You're gonna spend the rest of your afterlife with me. I don't take negotiations for this" the taller tightened his hold on the slim waist.

Yeosang sucked his lower lip. "I couldn't ask for more." He responded while having locked the other in an intense eye contact.

Mingi said nothing more as he lunged forward to kiss the human passionately. "You won't be able to run away from me." He bit the blonde's lip seductively, lowering his head to peck a path down to the milky neck.

"And if you disappoint me I'll cut your dick" Yeosang moaned softly at the harsh suck on his collarbone.

"Never. This dick is reserved for you and only you. Will you be mine for the rest of our afterlife?" Mingi paused to look into the other's soul through this eyes.

"Will you hold your promise to not get bored of this?" Yeosang counter attacked his forehead creasing in worry for a second. Pecking the other's lips once more Mingi nodded his head.

"Yes. Because you're my soulmate."

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