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"Hm?" The husky voice responded cockily, raising an eyebrow. It somehow suited the face. "I asked who are you? I'm calling the police!" He almost screamed, not wanting to put any attention on Hongjoong by waking him up; the man didn't seem to have noticed his friend.

But, as he made the move to grab his phone that was an inch away from him, the man suddenly shook his hand next to his head, Jongho's phone in hold. "With what?" He smirked again and Jongho felt like peeing his fear away. "H-how did you do that?" He asked as a stuttering mess, his pearly eyes were the widest they could get and they were already starting to water.

The mysterious stranger walked closer to the brunette and the most unsettling thing was the fact that his footsteps didn't echo, weren't heard. They had no sound. But he walked steadily towards Jongho. Suddenly Jongho wasn't a fan of occult.

"W-what are you?" He asked, a lone tear rolling from the corner of his eye. He was so scared, his legs didn't even move.

When the man stopped inches away from the younger boy, the latter felt how the air got freezing cold. He shuddered, trying to move backwards only for this closed door to stop him.

The man's face neared his, noses touching. Jongho's breath hitched when he realized that the other didn't have normal eyes but he had catlike irises, his teeth were sharp and blinding white and he seemed to have a liking to Jongho's body smell because he kept sniffing his neck like a dog.

Staring at the wet path the boy's tear created from his cheek to his lips the man smiled. He poked his tongue out and licked the tear off his cheek. The unidentified creature groaned as he closed his eyes, hissing and moaning at the same time. Jongho was so confused and so afraid that he couldn't even utter a word.

"You taste so pure" the creature groaned with dilated pupils. Jongho didn't even know what to say so he kept rooted into his position, staring at the other astonished.

"To answer your question Jongho," the man paused and Jongho shuddered at the fact that he knew his name; "I was summoned by you, my pretty innocent pet" he whispered, his lips brushing against Jongho's who despite his fear blushed at the contact.

"I-I-I didn't summon anyone" Jongho whimpered, his legs were shaking like jelly. "What's your name?" Jongho asked again; maybe if he heard the name he'd understand where and if he heard about the creature before.

"San" the man replied and Jongho squinted his eyes. "I have never heard about you before! I swear to God I didn't summon you!" He cried out and San cocked his head to the side smirking. "Leave bad spirits out of this" he giggled and Jongho shuddered even more as he felt a bigger wave of fear wash over him.

"You want to know your friend's secret, don't lie. Lying is punishable" San giggled again. "I don't! I really don't! I stopped last minute!" Jongho cried, literally, as he was shocked confused. "Please" Jongho sobbed "Please go back I won't use your power" and when San started to lick his tears away moaning again he sobbed harder. "No. If you summon a demon-"

"A what!!?" Jongho's scream interrupted and San licked his lips. Fear intruded innocence was like his food. "A demon my pet" he patted the soft brown locks. "Since you called for a specific deal I can't leave you until we seal the deal. No backsies" he giggled and Jongho snapped his head up again. "But I didn't call you!" He repeated frustrated.

"Not all summonings have to be voiced loudly my dear." San smiled creepily. Then it hit Jongho, his thoughts before he slept. Blood left his face as it paled at the realization.

"Now. Be a good pet and show me your tongue" San whispered, but he still showed dominance. "W- my tongue?" Jongho repeated concerned. "Why!?" He frowned. "Just do as I say. As long as I am giving you the freedom to do it on your own." San glared, voice dropping octaves lower.

Scared, the human did as he was told, pulling his tongue out. San smiled at the obedience and leaned forward, his own tongue licking the other's wet muscle. Okay, don't think Jongho is weird for blushing, anyone would at the given moment. Didn't help that San was handsome either.

"Now my dear, I am connected to you. I can know where you are anytime. What you do. Don't try expelling me; cause if you do... when we meet in Hell I'll make sure you wish you didn't exist at all" San's eyelids dropped in a daring way.

"I- how do you know I'll go to hell?" Jongho objected and San laughed. "Because I stained your innocence my love" he exclaimed, feathering Jongho's cowering cheek.

"You... also can't deny the methods I seal each meeting. Each meeting is a small deal included in the biggest one. That; or the consequences will impact the subject you originally summoned me in the first place." San grinned, eyes turning to his sleeping friend.

Jongho sucked a breath in at that. Shaking his head he cried again. "Please not Joongie" he begged and San kissed his forehead in tries to comfort the boy. "Shh... as long as you are a good boy." He rubbed his lips on the forehead. Pulling back he stared right into the younger's eyes again. It's still unsettling how he has cat eyes.

"Don't play with Hell if you can't handle it"

Hiii San is so sexy the way I have him pictured in my mind here 😫
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A/NHiii San is so sexy the way I have him pictured in my mind here 😫How'd you like it??

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