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San stared at the ceiling above his bed as he laid on it, head resting against his linked hands. Huffing and puffing he couldn't shake the thoughts of his little pet. He did feel a little bad for him... but now don't get San wrong he is far from nice. He was a bad human and is a bad demon... but there is something about the vulnerable, fragile boy that scratched his heart in a distasteful way whenever he cries.

In normal situations he would've proceeded with the consequences of his deal seekers if they backed out but he seemed to be weaker in power in front of the smaller human.

Ruffling his hair, annoyed at himself, San sat up abruptly. Without a second thought he grabbed his wallet and left his house and headed for the younger's. He rang the bell and an unknown woman opened the door but it didn't need lots of guesses for one to know it was the boy's mother.

Seeing the unfamiliar face the smaller woman raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Hello? How may I help you?" She asked and San flashed her one of the sweetest smiles he could muster, acting nerdier in front of her. "Hello Mrs. Choi... I am here to pick up Jongho. We have a project to do together for one of our classes." He said, showing less confidence in order for her to not get intimidated.

"Oh? He didn't say anything about that to me" she mumbled to herself as she scratched her head but San heard her anyway. "Well, give me a second" she smiled and San flinched when she started calling -yelling- to Jongho from behind the door. He thought she'd go get him herself not shout to him in a 60 year old smoker's voice.

A few seconds later, soft thuds echoed as the door was pulled wide open again and Jongho's curious and confused expression changed to one of pure fear; however gathered himself then so that his mother wouldn't suspect anything. "S-S-San?" He stuttered, and when his face fired up due to anxiety his mom mistook it for a blush and she whistled behind him before she excused herself cause the stove was on. She wasn't even cooking. Made it pretty clear that she wouldn't enter that kitchen today no matter what.

"Wh-what are you doing here?!" He whispered and San smirked before he replied in a clear loud voice. "What do you mean? Our lab experiment class!" He grinned. "Oh Jongho did you forget about it? Dummy. We said my house today at 8" he smiled mischievously and that's when his mother stumbled her way in again.

"Well why Jongho, don't make this gentleman wait. Go!" She ushered and Jongho rolled her eyes. His mom's ability to read the room was lower than the depths of hell. "Mom!" He exclaimed betrayed but all she did was throw him his jacket. "Lab classes are important my baby" she winked and Jongho stomped his foot on the floor like a 3 year old.

San cocked his head to the side innocently but Jongho knew better than that. The teenager hesitantly but surely moved towards the demon, his knees shaking. The older placed a hand on the small of his back as he lead him towards his motorcycle. Yes he could teleport them but that's not fun and San is all about the luxurious life humans could offer.

Jongho looked once more towards his mother hoping, wishing that she changed her mind and they suddenly had to leave the planet but she just winked at him before closing the door shut.

The brunette's shoulders deflated at that, his attention back to the raven head who tugged at his jacket. "Well, classmate. Let's go" he smirked, all fake innocence gone. "B-but where?" He bit his trembling lip.

"My house" San deadpanned and Jongho lost some color off his face. "What? I told you" he grinned and Jongho's eyes snapped wide open. "Well I thought you lied! I didn't even know you can have a house" the younger whined and San couldn't help but think that Jongho is the first human he'd find genuinely cute in decades. He snorted however at the exclamation. "Ouch, racist behavior much" he joked and for a second Jongho forgot San was a demon that waited literally at the end of his bed to have sexual encounters with him as he slapped hardly on his chest. He took offense at the comment. Don't judge him.

With the wishes of Jongho that the younger suddenly had a heart attack and died on spot invading his mind they started driving towards the demon's house.

San's house was luxurious, like it really screamed money and Jongho was curious as to how he paid for it but shook his head deciding he really didn't want to find out.

"Make yourself feel at home" he smirked once he opened the black door for the young boy to enter in first. When they sat on the sofa, very much so awkwardly if you ask any of them, San smiled at the younger. Didn't smirk, didn't grin, he actually gave a genuine smile.

And Jongho got petrified. He was so scared that he started tearing up. "What?" He asked in a shaking voice. San frowned as he was confused. "Nothing?" He asked as confused and Jongho emitted a single soft, choked sob. "Then why are you smiling?" He cried out and San's jaw dropped almost offended.

Okay to get scared if he was mad and rude but when he was genuinely smiling? San's heart fell to his stomach at the reaction. "I just thought you looked pretty?" He responded and Jongho gasped. "What kind of manipulative method is that?" He whimpered and San's eyebrows rose surprised. "What?!" He asked loudly. "I am being honest!" San defended and Jongho closed his eyes nodding to himself, probably to his thoughts and San exasperated at that. "What are you nodding to? I am 100% serious!!" He whined.

"Anyhow!" San spoke pointedly as he stared at the younger in a scolding yet not scary way. "Come here" he invited, stretching a hand on the backrest of his sofa. "Where?" Jongho asked dumbly and San chuckled. "Here!" He waved his stretched arm, motioning the teenager to sit next to him.

"Why?" The brunette asked and San gritted his teeth trying to not snap his frustration on the human. "Jongho get your fucking ass here" he said calmly after a long exhale of breath.

San didn't have to say no more as the younger scattered next to him in milliseconds time. He awkwardly sat next to the demon tense as fuck. He flinched when the older sought physical contact with the hand wrapping around his shoulder.

"Do you like movies Jongho?" San asked and just then did Jongho notice how the other used his name to call him instead of the usual 'pet'. Clearing his throat the younger nodded his head yes.

"Perfectly" the other commented as he turned his tv on. They were watching a horror movie about demons and San would let the younger know when something was bullshit and when something was correct. It was actually interesting and the boy found himself relaxing against San's side. If he watched the movie alone he'd be scared shitless but when he had a literal demon next to him, that would only be a dumb comedy.

After the movie finished, Jongho rubbed his hungry stomach as he puckered his lips in a pout. "Are you hungry my little pet?" San asked and Jongho tensed again at the nickname's reappearance. Nevertheless, he said yes because he is human and humans need food to function.

"Okay what do you want to eat?" San asked looking at the other whose head was on his chest. "I don't know... pasta would be good" he mumbled and his stomach grumbled at the mere thought of the mentioned food.

San laughed softly as he clicked his fingers, food appearing in the coffee table in a second and the younger surprised let an exclamation sound out as he jerked his body towards the coffee table to get a better look on the food that appeared magically in awe.

"Eat, my brown cotton candy" San smiled and Jongho looked at him as if he went crazy cause why is he kind all of the sudden?

But Jongho was starving so he ate the plate of his choice. When he finished he looked cautiously at the other as he mumbled a soft thank you. Then San leaned forward as he placed a quick soft peck on his lips.

"You're welcome"

Yes this includes attempted humor. I hope you chuckled at least one time 🥹
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