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Wooyoung widened his chest as he waited for the door to open. He came uninvited but oh well. When he waited for three minutes already he scowled, fishing his phone out of his pocket to call the owner of the house.

"Hey baby?" A surprised yet enthusiastic voice resonated and Wooyoung felt his lips stretching into a smile. "Hiii. Where are you I've been waiting outside of your house for about 10 minutes" he exaggerated the situation, wanting to act to see more of the heart thundering words the older usually spat when Wooyoung was upset. It made him feel so valuable, it was almost achieving.

"What?! Baby! I didn't remember we would meet today I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad!" Seonghwa rushed to make it up, feeling like shit for upsetting his human.

Wooyoung giggled softly "We didn't say we would. Why, can't I go uninvited?" He sassed, his eyebrows meeting. Wooyoung doesn't accept bullshit. And Seonghwa made it pretty clear that they are exclusive, even if they are not officially dating. If he wants to fuck at 4am then that's when he will visit the pink head.

Seonghwa gulped at the fact that any wrong word and they'd fight so he shook his head to no one particularly. "No! Baby! But like now, it could happen that I'm not home and you would wait out in the cold for no reason." Seonghwa explained and Wooyoung felt butterflies in his stomach, even now he only cares about his well being. How cute.

"Hmm. Okay then. What now? Do I just go back home? Alone?" Wooyoung mewled, manipulation gears on. Seonghwa sighed as he watched at the clock. It was around 2am and he was in San's house. It would take him at least 30 minutes to arrive even if he drove fast and without traffic.

"Well, just go in I'll give you the password." He shrugged and Wooyoung gasped. "Would you really give me your house's password?" He asked surprised and touched at the same time. "Of course I would, why wouldn't I?" He scoffed as if that was the most safe and normal thing to do. "Oh okay then, thanks" the red haired replied brightly. Seonghwa sent him the passwords a second after they hung up and now Wooyoung was in the taller's room, opening his closet to find one of those big, cozy hoodies the older had.

He took his time choosing, then strolling to the bathroom to take a shower. He loved smelling like the older, it made him feel reassured.

When he was done drying his hair he heard footsteps outside in the hallway. He unconsciously smiled brightly as he ran to open the door. Seonghwa, too, smiled as he looked at the amused human running towards him. He opened his arms as he welcomed the man in his strong hold.

Sniffing the boy's hair he smirked victoriously as he recognized his own products. He loved that Wooyoung was slowly getting attached to him. He was as well.

Ha who are we even kidding, he would become a carpet for Wooyoung to step on if the human asked him to.

"So, why are you here?" Seonghwa asked as he nuzzled his nose against the human's neck lovingly. Wooyoung only cocked his head more to give space to the active lips. "Mhh? I just missed you. I wanted to cuddle you. I came straight from work." The tanner one replied with a hue of shyness.

Seonghwa cooed at the other. He cupped the boy's cheeks softly as he bumped his nose against the latter's. "You missed me baby? I missed you too, like crazy. I miss you from the moment you leave my personal space." Seonghwa said happy he is not the only one to feel such emotions. He puckered his lips to leave a soft peck before he backed away.

"You must be hungry. Straight from work you say? What kind of job makes you finish at such late night." Seonghwa pouted. Wooyoung laughed as he looked at the older as if he was crazy. "Do you live under rocks? Most of them" The human rolled his eyes as he walked towards the living room, a hand holding a death drip on the other's hand as he dragged him behind him.

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