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Mingi teleported to his chambers in Hell, throwing his jacket on the bed before he strode off to Seonghwa's office. The pink haired man jumped at the startling sound of his door creaking. "What the fuck Mings, I almost came back to life!" The man scolded, a hand over his chest.

Mingi chuckled before he plopped his butt on the comfy chair across of Seonghwa's. "Where did that kid go again?" He sighed, accepting the whiskey the pink haired one offered. "I don't know! All I know is that he erased that teenager's traces." Seonghwa shook his head disappointed.

"How many times has it been already?" Mingi asked sipping his drink. "Maybe like 5 times? 3 when the boy was in his hospital bed and 2 he prevented him death" Seonghwa sighed again going through his papers on his desk. "We really should do something about it... Uncle loves Yunho so he doesn't scold nor punish him but if it goes on other demons will get angry... 5 times continuously means he has to get demolished." Mingi scowled at the younger's stupidity. He loves Yunho as well but he can protect him up to a certain extent.

Seonghwa chuckled as if Yunho was his 5 year old that made a dense mistake. "As if Uncle is gonna let this happen. He'd rather demolish the demons asking for Yunho's punishment instead" Mingi grinned at that as well, having very raw and strong affection for the youngest and newest grim reaper of their unity.

Yunho stood in his long black coat behind a tree. He still doesn't understand why he has to work in such uncomfortable clothes. There was the blonde boy; Kim Hongjoong. That's the name his receipt is showing.

For the sixth time.

The boy was barefoot in front of a bridge's balcony. There were tears falling down his cheeks and his beautiful thin lips were stained with dried blood.

Yunho knew everything. He knew the fact that the boy's father was a monster. He had a special place in hell. Kim Daejoo. He can't forgive him for making such a beautiful soul suffer. Suicide is punishable in hell, that's why his receipt was in his pocket and not in any guardian angel's. Heaven must not be busy nowadays, everyone sucks.

But not Hongjoong.

Hongjoong deserves a place in Heaven. Who would take all the hits to protect his mother and his brother? Not a lot of people. He can't believe how his uncle won't send the receipt over to heaven. So Yunho made it his personal mission to have the boy enter heaven. He lives his own hell on earth why should he be granted misfortune in the afterlife too?

He won't let him die. Not until his days brighten up. He won't loose faith. Not when Hongjoong doesn't deserve to be lost faith. He had an unfortunate life himself. He could see himself in the teenager; he has to protect him.

He doesn't know what went through his mind but he walked towards the boy bumping against him by false mistake. "Oh my!" He smiled brightly with fake surprise. "I didn't see you there" he giggled with a hand covering his mouth. Looking down his eyes fell on the boy's shoeless feet. "Gee, you must be freezing!" He added, pulling the boy away from the bridge.

Hongjoong's jaw dropped to the floor astonished. "Wh- who- what?" Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows confused. The tall stranger just showed him a soft side smile. "Why? I bumped on you, I should apologize don't you think?" He cocked his head to the left.

The shorter looked around lost for a second before he nodded slowly. "Yeah.. sure I guess" he shrugged ready to turn around. But Yunho grabbed on his arm. "What were you doing here? It's cold, no?" He shouted abruptly.

Hongjoong scanned the hand that was gripping for dear life on his arm before he raised a questioning eyebrow. "What?" He spat already frustrated. Yet another time his plans get destroyed it's as if hell is punishing him.

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