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"Ugh- oh ooh go harder" Wooyoung moaned as he grabbed the messy sheets his face was pushed into. The guy behind him grunted in return, giving him a hard slap in the ass before he got a deadly grip on his hip, the stranger thrusting with an animalistic speed.

Wooyoung's toes curled at how overstretched he was, his mouth hanging open and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. "Fuck" whispered the deep, husky voice from behind as the stranger bit on his shoulder, sucking harshly. "Mggh daddy.... That's it" Wooyoung moaned louder as he felt his sore thighs trembling, his stomach squeezing at the underlying need for release.

Before he was given permission to cum he was turned on his back, his legs pushed to his chest as the handsome stranger smirked at him. "My little slut is so good for me isnt he?" The man whispered before he attacked the other's lips hungrily.

Subconsciously Wooyoung nodded his head, purposefully pushing his ass towards the hard thrusts that came quicker with the new position. "Your dick is so big" the tan man moaned as he buried his head on the milky white neck of the stranger above him to bite his apparently sensitive skin.

After the grunt that echoed in the hotel room, the man thrusting into wooyoung grabbed a fistful of his hair as he pulled his hair back, forcing him to show more of his stained neck. "Am I? But you take me so well" the man replied, pulling his tongue out flat to run it from the dip of his collarbone to his lips.

Wooyoung shuddered at the sensation his long nails digging on the strong back, scratching red paths on it as he moaned again, his climax close. When the stranger, the daddy, wrapped his long fingers around his neglected cock to jerk him off he trapped the latter's lower lip between his teeth before he gave it a sensual suck. Feeling the stranger's cum spreading between his walls he also released his own while giving an open mouth kiss to the beautiful man.

Panting the stranger pulled out, laying beside Wooyoung before he reached for his cigarettes to light one, shining under the hotel's dim lights due to the sweat.

Wooyoung licked his swollen lips before scanning the hot man to his right. He rolled to his side, head resting on his palm as he laid a hand on the rocky abs. Smirking he flicked the still sensitive nub, causing the husky voice to release a choked moan. "So..daddy" Wooyoung started, looking at the smoking man with intentionally big innocent eyes. "What was your name again?" He asks before he stole the burning cancer stick, dragging out as he let the effect of the drug get him.

"Seonghwa, baby. You?" The pink haired man smirked as he saw the soft cock resting on the boy's crotch. "Wooyoung" the tan man replied casually before he threw the cigarette butt in the ashtray that was on the nightstand.

"So Seonghwa... are you weak or are you up for another round?" Wooyoung giggled as he slid down, stopping right in front of the anew twitching cock.

"Oh?" Seonghwa grinned, biting his lip. "Are you thirsty? I can give you milk" he grinned harder as he grabbed the soft locks in his hand once again.

Supporting the base of his cock, Seonghwa used the hand on the younger's head as a guide. Pulling the boy close enough he smirked. "Open up" he ordered and Wooyoung kindly did, the pink haired man pushing his head down forcefully on the hard cock.

Wooyoung moaned at the manhandling. He loved the way the stranger was so rough with him, the way he kept his hair in a tight grip, the way his big palms would occasionally slap his ass or thighs. This stranger was giving him everything he asked for in bed.

Seonghwa closed his eyes hissing as he thrusted upwards deep into the tan male's throat. "So good, so good for me" he praised, and Wooyoung mewled at the words.

Pulling out he panted as he climbed on the other's lap. "Fuck" he groaned as he guided the dick towards his entrance, self penetrating. "Oh" he moaned again as he wrapped his hands around the taller's neck, his lips on the ear to suck on the earlobe as Seonghwa let some of his own deep moans out.

Wooyoung started bouncing fast, as he snuck a hand to play with his own hard nipples, moaning at the increased pleasure. Seonghwa bit hard on his lips at the sight as he leaned own, his hands around the other's waist, wrapping his lips around the nipple Wooyoung wasn't giving attention to, groaning as he felt the human squeeze him in between.

Wooyoung continued to fuck himself on the satisfying dick, lost in the pleasure once again. Feeling that the stranger was close enough, he hopped off taking the swollen cock in his mouth again. Hollowing his cheeks he bobbed his head motivated as he felt the meat pulsating and twitching uncontrollably.

Looking up at the taller through his eyelashes he opened his mouth naughtily before he showed his tongue. "Feed me daddy" he moaned shamelessly and it was all Seonghwa needed to come again, his cum dripping from the other's tongue.

"Mhm, yummy" Wooyoung moaned as he let go, wiping his hands on the dirty sheets. Seonghwa stared at the human astonished.

"Say Wooyoung... what about you make a deal with daddy?" Seonghwa asked with his deep voice, breath coming heavily out.

Wooyoung's ears peeked at the suggestive tone. "And what would that be?" Wooyoung asked faking nonchalance. Seonghwa toppled the human playfully as he pecked the red lips.

"How about you make baby's ass my one and only sex toy? I will be your sex toy too. But you won't be able to see other people. Me either. How does that sound?" Seonghwa suggested, looking deeply in the beautiful warm brown eyes of the human. Seonghwa felt attracted to the man the moment he saw him entering the miserable pub few blocks away.

Wooyoung bit his lip, trying to stop it from stretching into the smile that he failed to hide. "Hmm?" He giggled. "Was my ass too good for you?" He teased, grinding against the other's naked pride once more. Seonghwa bit his neck as a response before he chuckled. "Rather than just your pretty little tight ass, I'd say you are too fucking good for me" he smirked and Wooyoung laughed. The latter nodded his head agreeing.

Seonghwa smiled brightly at the answer before he squeezed the ass in his palm. "How about we seal the deal with me eating your tight ass out?" He kissed the swollen lips yet again as he lowered himself up on the human, who pulled his legs up voluntarily.

This human is what he's been looking for, for centuries.

Hiii 👀👀👀
So I f you've read any other stories of mine, you know I don't like warning before smut chapters because if ruins the surprise if the events.
HOWEVER If you really wish I did lmk and I'll add warnings from now onwards 💗

 HOWEVER If you really wish I did lmk and I'll add warnings from now onwards 💗

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