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Yawning Yeosang rolled in his bed tiredly. It has been a while since he stayed home all day. But he realized his life recently included a lot of human interaction and he found himself being bored easily today.

Huffing he called his best friend whom he hasn't seen for a week but he rejected his call, making a scowl welcome itself on the blonde's face.

He bit his lip considering if he should contact Mingi instead but he was nervous to. However he made himself believe if he doesn't act on his needs and emotions this- wherever it was they had- would never work out. So he nodded to himself determined as he clicked on the taller's contact.

"Mhm?" There was the deep voice that made his heart squeeze in his chest. "M-mingi?" Yeosang stuttered and cringed at himself for sounding so weak. "Yes?" He replied again but he sounded so uninterested it made the younger feel disappointed.

Clearing his throat he didn't give up as he proceeded. "Are you busy?" He asked in a small voice again and Mingi hummed in agreement once again and for some reason the obvious ignorance made tears gather in the corner of the human's eyes.

"Oh" his voice trembled and Yeosang rolled his eyes at himself. Since when did he hang from how much attention Mingi gave to him. "Do you want to c- you know what never mind" Yeosang changed his mind mid sentence as he felt he would look too desperate in the demon's eyes. "Byeee" he singsung before he hung up hurriedly, pouting sadly at the interaction- if it was even considered an interaction.

Instead of letting himself dwell in the sadness he decided to call one of his few friends he liked. In comparison to his last call this person actually was happy Yeosang called him as he let out an ear piercing "Yeosaaaaang"

The blonde chuckled as he greeted back. "Hello Yeonjun" he smiled, his mood already better than a second ago. "Oh my god it's been ages! Where are you?" The honey like voice echoed and Yeosang snorted. "Yeonjun we literally work in the same place what do you mean?" He joked and even if he didn't see the other's face he knows he rolled his eyes while emitting the scoff that was followed after his sassy remark.

"I was wondering if you're free cause I'm bored" he giggled shyly feeling he was coming off a bit rude. Yeonjun didn't think so however, glad Yeosang called especially him while being bored. "For you I have time any day my love" his friend said and Yeosang blushed at the cheesiness. "Ew. Okay. What do you want to do?" The blonde asked and Yeonjun hummed while thinking.

"Okay. Soobin and Taehyun have been begging me to join them for drinks in a nearby pub. Do you want to go? Or do you want to spend time only with my amazing self? If you choose the second I promise you I will understand your decision." The other shamelessly said and Yeosang couldn't help but laugh. "You're unbelievable. It's okay we can join the others." He said and Yeonjun sighed dramatically. "Okay whatever you want." He responded and then they decided to meet in an hour, Yeonjun claiming he'd pick him up.

And true to his words, exactly one hour later his doorbell was ringing. The blonde quickly grabbed his jacket before he rushed to reach his driver. The taller surprised him as he pulled him in a bone crushing hug. "I missed you!" He cried out as he pulled his head just a tiny bit to leave a wet smooch on his cheek. Yeosang whined as he tried to free himself from the death grip, threatening the other that he would go back home if he didn't let go.

Pouting the brunette backed away halfheartedly as he pulled the shorter to his car. They took only 15 minutes to arrive, Yeosang kinda overwhelmed with how packed the small pub was. It resembled a club really, people weren't supposed to be shaking their asses off in a mere pub but oh well, guess Soobin found this place.

Speaking of the tall guy he came towards him smiling brightly, happy to see Yeosang who in fact is the one that hasn't seen the blonde in a while. "Come let's have shots!" The smallest of them all popped behind the giant Soobin is, smiling brightly as he clutched a hand on Yeosang's wrist pulling him towards their table.

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