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Hongjoong's back was pressed against his best friend's chest as the latter wrapped his arms protectively around the smaller. They weren't speaking but the comfort of the younger's warmth was enought to have Hongjoong breathe calmly.

Suddenly the blonde turned around, his face inches away from the brunette who smiled at his friend even if his eyes got teary. Hongjoong brought a hand on the boy's cheek smiling back. "Don't cry Jongho." He comforted with a trembling voice himself. "I'm not" the younger argued as he blinked the tears away and the other chuckled softly.

There was a silence that followed and Jongho honestly thought the boy fell asleep but his voice broke through it slightly surprising the latter.

"He wasn't always like that" Hongjoong whispered so lowly the younger almost missed it. The other's eyes flew to the older's face attentively. "I don't know what changed but he wasn't always like that. He used to be very softhearted but then when I entered junior high he started degrading us. And saying how we are not worthy of life." Hongjoong sobbed as he brought a fist to his lips to bite it so that he wouldn't be loud.

Jongho grabbed the same fist in his bigger hands squeezing the fragile hands. "Joongie you don't have to talk about it if you don't what to" Jongho's lips took an under turn as they pouted sadly.

"No I want to. I have to let you know. You've stood by me for years without even knowing what kind of a strength you provided to me. Jongho... if it wasn't for you I would have attempted way sooner." The blonde confessed and that statement made Jongho's sob escape his throat unintentionally.

"He always said that I was his worst mistake and that a thing like me shouldn't experience anything good in its life." Hongjoong squeezed his eyes tightly as the hurtful words brought vivid memories back. Jongho stood up to sit on his butt as he pulled the whimpering boy with him before he engulfed him in his safe embrace. "That's not true Joongie. Don't trust and believe bad people. Your father is a bad and mean person. You should have told me earlier. I would have helped you with everything I have. My mommy would too. You know you can always trust us right?" Jongho whispered softly yet determined and huffed in relief when the boy in his arms nodded his head.

"How is ms. Kim doing?" The younger asked attentively and Hongjoong smiled softly. "She's doing better. She smiles when she looks at my face now" Hongjoong beamed and it hurt Jongho to know that such things he took for granted when there are people like Hongjoong and his mother who feel as if the world is with them by just so little and to him insignificant things.

It made Jongho determined to be a better son and friend to his favorite people.

"Joongie I love you. You have to know that. You should get professional help." Jongho whispered timidly afraid of the reaction that followed. "I'm not crazy! I don't need their help!" Hongjoong hissed suddenly, furrowing his eyebrows in a defensive manner.

"Joongie! I never said that you were. I just know that they will help you cure your broken heart." Jongho pressed and Hongjoong huffed shaking his head. "Yunho hyung helps me. I'm okay." Hongjoong argued yet again and Jongho sighed. "Yunho is a demon Hongjoongie! He can't always be by your side and you know that" the brunette said borderline aggressive and it made Hongjoong deflate in his seat as he took in the words.

That's right. Yunho will soon leave him. But he likes the man. Like really, really likes him. He thinks of him as his own home.

"But I like Yunho..." Hongjoong whispered as he looked at his fingers that fiddled with one another. "What?" Was all the younger could utter as he widened his eyes. "I like him Jongho. Not the way I like you" he confessed and the younger's jaw dropped.


"I know that this doesn't change anything. I mean look at me and then look at him. It can never work out. But I do. And I don't know how to undo that." Hongjoong pouted and Jongho frowned. "That is not what I wanted to say. You have nothing less than Yunho. The thing I wanted to point out is that it cannot work out because he is not human" Jongho said pointedly and Hongjoong sniffled softly as another set of tears poured from his eyes.

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