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Jongho was in his first class looking at the black board his short professor was writing on but only his body was in the class that morning. His mind was thinking of a specific demon he knew damn well it shouldn't.

Pouting he rested his head on his hand that was on his desk. Suddenly, he felt the silence being too loud, looking at his left he saw his classmate looking at him. That was odd. "What?" He mouthed but then he realized all the students' attention was on him. He cowered, feeling weird but all his questions were answered when a chalk bounced on his head and down to his opened book.

Flinching his head snapped to the direction the chalk came from and he gasped when he as his professor two steps away from his desk, glaring at him through his old fashioned glasses. "Mr. Choi, are you with us today?" He furrowed his eyebrows angrily and Jongho felt his cheeks burning. He was so embarrassed.

Clearing his throat he stuttered. "O-of course professor Oh." He lowered his head instinctively at his lie. Not being able to meet the old man's eyes. "Well. I don't think so. I'm disappointed in you, you're my best student, don't let me down like this again." He scolded and Jongho bowed his head in apology. "I'm sorry professor Oh. It will never happen again." He replied and a satisfied hum echoed as his teacher turned to walk to the board again, stopping only a couple of steps to turn to the student. "I hope your upcoming detention today teaches you that you can't ignore my class, Mr. Choi" the professor smiled in a
fake manner as he proceeded with teaching.

Jongho's jaw fell to the ground as he stared at his unfazed teacher. Jongho hasn't gotten detention ever in his life, it felt kind of unfair to get one just because his attention was elsewhere for one moment, but he decided against the thought of defending himself verbally because it could have an impact on his straight As record.

He just accepted his fate as he scolded himself mentally to focus on the class.

It was such a bad timing to get his detention today of all the times, since on Thursdays he finished classes around 8pm. He just wanted to go home and do his Friday homework, mentally hitting his head for not bringing the notebook when he did consider it earlier in the day.

Barely teachers were around in the university at this time, let alone students. Jongho wasn't surprised a bit to see that the class was empty. The inside guards of his university were always responsible to let the teachers know if the students in detention stayed or left early. So there wasn't any way he could walk around detention today. He just went to the back row, pushing the chair on the wall as he leaned back, resting his eyes as he was already bored.

A few seconds later he felt a breath on his neck, snapping his eyes open alarmed. He widened his eyes even more when he realized the breath was San's. Jongho backed away a bit, noticing their faces were too close to one another's.

"San? What are you doing here?" He breathed out surprise still present. San chuckled, sitting on the other's desk facing him, it made Jongho blush madly because his crotch was too close to his face. He tried not to look but his eyes fell on the bump in front of San's zipper two times more than it should have.

San noticed that, smirking to himself. "Noticed I got you into trouble today." He winked and Jongho blushed an even darker shade of pink at that. "What do you mean?" He whined and San giggled. "You've been thinking of me all day. I know that. I can feel it." San said smugly, breathing in proudly.

Jongho bit his lip at that. He only keeps getting embarrassed today. It's such a dreading day.

San patted the boy's head softly. "It's okay don't worry. I don't judge people" he smirked teasingly and Jongho's breath hitched when he remembered his not so innocent thoughts he had about the previously mentioned bump.

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