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It's been a month.

A whole month since Yunho had any interaction with the fragile boy occupying his previous apartment. He gave it up like he promised Hongjoong he would do after they 'broke up'.

He would not lie. Not seeing the boy daily like he used to is making him uneasy, and restless. He keeps thinking about him everyday. Nevertheless is happy that he isn't appearing in his receipts anymore.

San has been updating him about the boy, because according to him he has something that makes him care about the blonde. Yunho couldn't be more relieved cause as of now San is his only source of information.

There was a knock on his door and it was his cue of leaving his bed for the day. Opening it he came face to face with Mingi. Who looked so unhappy and moody, again.

"Mingi?" Yunho called surprised to see the older demon since he's been locked in his room, refusing to even work at this point. "Yunho," he copied, looking from left to right to see if anyone is close before he pushed the grim reaper back in his room, closing the door right away.

It made Yunho question the action as he gave him an equally questioning glance. "What's wrong?" His voice came out cautious as well as he scanned Mingi from head to toe. "Yunho I have a favor to ask." The demon furrowed his brows, showing he was being very serious about whichever matter he was talking about.

"What is it?" Yunho asked as he motioned for the taller to sit on his bed next to him. "Can you bring a human to hell?" Mingi requested and the younger's jaw dropped. "Mingi! Helping someone to not cross the river is something but bringing them to hell just because is something completely different are you cra-" the hand clasping forcefully over his mouth stopped him from continuing as Mingi hissed at him to lower his voice.

"I didn't say to kill him you idiot you know we don't work like that! I said to bring him for... vacation" Mingi fidgeted with his hands awkwardly at the blank stare he received.

"What? Vacation?" Yunho repeated dumbfounded, raising an eyebrow at the confirming nod. "You're really crazy, aren't you? Who would want to come for vacation in Hell first of all and second of all why me?" The brunette squinted his eyes.

"Because if you bring anyone here no one would question you. I mean that's your job after all. No one would question if that one is alive or not.." Mingi explained and at that the younger stood up almost offended. "You want me to sneak someone in?" He raised his voice and at that Mingi hushed him desperately. "Keep your damn voice down" he whined and then nodded slowly.

"Wha- why? I mean who?" Yunho asked confused and Mingi's eyes bounced between the four walls of his room. "Mingi who is it?" Yunho emphasized the question once again as he gave a pointed look. "It's Yeosang.." he whispered while looking down.

"Who?" Asked the younger confused. "The human I've taken a liking to!" Mingi said again and Yunho exclaimed nodding. "Oh.."

"Yunho please! I need to hear something from him." Mingi begged and Yunho being aware of the fact that he's punished of no entrance to Earth for the remaining 3 months broke character as he sighed defeated. "I mean.. will he agree if I will be like 'hey mind joining me in hell?'?" The younger rolled his eyes knowing that the whole scenario sounded stupid.

Mingi rolled his eyes as well. "Don't make it sound like that. He knows I'm a demon" the taller confessed and Yunho gasped. "Why would you do that?" He raised his voice and Mingi ruffled his hair in frustration. "Because I like him. And I like him a lot. I'd rather be rejected coldheartedly than pushing him away without a valid reason" the older frowned and it made Yunho bite his tongue at how great it sounded, not caring about the status and if he'd affect his lover's life.

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