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"What do you mean you went to Hell?!" A very shocked Wooyoung stood on his feet abruptly. Yeosang flinched at the way his friend's coffee cup almost tipped over, rushing to prevent the accident. "Oh my God Woo. Calm down!" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Calm down? You went to hell!" He hissed not wanting any person listening to their very unusual conversation. "Without me!" he continued, putting emphasis on what part he was dissatisfied with.

Yeosang sighed in relief before snorting. He was weirded out that his friend would be off about something like that when he knows both Mingi's and Seonghwa's real identities. Rolling his eyes he nodded to himself. Should've seen that coming.

"Well it wasn't planned." He reasoned and Wooyoung sulked a few seconds more before he asked what unfolded in there. Yeosang explained everything with full detail, and his conversation with Mingi that morning and Wooyoung was shocked again. "You want to become one of them?" He widened his eyes, gasping when Yeosang nodded his head yes.

"Me too!" Wooyoung added a breath later and Yeosang sighed. "But why?" He asked curiously. "You think I'd let my bestie do this shit alone? For like ever?" Wooyoung giggled, squeezing Yeosang's hand softly. "Ain't no way."

Yeosang unconsciously pouted, touched by his friend's words. "Why are you so sweet all of a sudden." Wooyoung gasped offended as he pulled a hand in front of his mouth. "All of a sudden? I always am!" He argued and it made Yeosang burst into laughter. "Sure. Okay ask you daddy then" Yeosang shrugged and Wooyoung squealed happily.

When they were done with their impromptu date, the older went to his lover's house punching the passcode, not bothering with the bell. "Hwa" he sing sung happily, but the silence that met him made him pout. He walked towards the bed room, ready to open the door but the few pink locks peeking from the armrest on the black sofa made him turn on his heels.

Smiling to himself as he tiptoed to see his sweetheart had fallen asleep, hugging the plushy Wooyoung himself gifted him a few weeks back. Cooing loudly he refrained from touching the demon cause he is a very light sleeper. He didn't want to bother him. Instead he went to take a shower.

While washing the shampoo off his hair he felt hands circling around his waist. Yelping he flinched before the kiss on his shoulder calmed him down. "Oh my God Seonghwa you scared the living shit out of me!" He whined before letting himself be turned 180°.

Giggling the taller nuzzled his nose against the younger's "I love it when you swear" he pecked the lips for emphasis. "Aren't you a sweetheart." Wooyoung rolled his eyes but couldn't hold his laugh in.

He wrapped his hands around the taller before burying his face on the exposed chest. "I didn't mean to wake you up. I'm sorry." He mumbled but he felt the other shaking his head. "I'd rather be awake when you're with me" he whispered and Wooyoung swears he can feel his heart melting.

Seonghwa took the chance to plant a path of kisses from the younger's neck down to his shoulder, enjoying how the goosebumps arose. "I missed you" he said before he opened his mouth to suck a blotch right on the crook of the neck.

Wooyoung whimpered at the sting, shuddering when the playful tongue tended to the stinging area. Seonghwa didn't hold back when his hand moved southwards to cup the perky asscheek, squeezing it to feel more of the shaky breaths.

"You're so perfect" the demon growled as he pushed the younger's crotch against his own, grinding on their exposed glories. The red head already given in, threw his head back moaning at the friction.

"Daddy" Wooyoung mewled when the latter leaned down to suck one of his already perky nubs, circling his tongue about it motivated. Seonghwa pushed the human against the glossy wall before he let a hand slide down the refined abs, reaching the semi hard cock.

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