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Wooyoung and Yeosang were out drinking coffee in one of their favorite places. "So tell me about your boy toy" Wooyoung started as he rested his head on his hands that were on the table. He seemed quite interested in Yeosang's love life once again and the latter rolled his eyes. "He is not a toy Wooyoung. He is my love interest" Yeosang corrected and Wooyoung snorted before nodding. "Yeah, okay whatever. What's going on with you both? Judging by your jaw I can say it's kinda spicy." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Yeosang scoffed but couldn't help the blush that crept up his cheeks. "Thankfully it's going well. Not great but good. I trust that Mingi won't disappoint me... hopefully" he whispered at last, not really believing his own words hundred percent.

But he decided he'd give this chance to the older so he can't do but convince himself as he convinced Wooyoung who hollered excitedly. "What about you?" Yeosang asked back as he sipped his coffee, and Wooyoung mewled as he stretched his hands above his head. "It's perfect. The bestest I can imagine Yeosaaaang" Wooyoung whispered a squeal as he grabbed Yeosang's hand.

Yeosang smiled brightly at his best friend, genuinely happy for him as he squeezed the hand back. "I'm glad Woo really" he whispered before his attention was turned to the vibrating phone on the table. Giggling he wiggled his eyebrows. "Speaking of the devil" he chuckled as the older accepted the call.

"Hey Daddyy" Wooyoung shamelessly stretched the pet name loudly causing for a horrified Yeosang to snap his head left and right in hopes no one heard that. He glared at the tanner who pulled out his tongue mockingly at the younger's reaction.

"I'm with Yeosang now. You want me to leave him alone?" He faked the offense as he placed a hand over his chest for the dramatics. Yeosang rolled his eyes, knowing pretty damn much that if Seonghwa asked his best friend for a date right then and there he'd accept in a heartbeat.

"Oooh Mingi is there you say?" He raised an eyebrow snorting at how fast Yeosang's attention was drawn back to him attentively. After that wooyoung only uttered hmms and yes'es so Yeosang lost interest pretty quickly, grabbing his note book to continue his sketch.

"Stand up. We're leaving" Wooyoung said as soon as the phone call was over. "Huh?" Yeosang tilted his head to the side confused. "We're meeting them in 10" he blabbered as he took out his make up pouch. "Come're" he mumbled as he pulls the younger's face by his nose, making the latter huff as he slapped the hand away. "I don't need make up" he defended and Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "Tell that to your dark circles" he spat before he started dabbing some foundation under the defeated blonde's eyes.

With this and with that Yeosang found himself in front of the pink haired man's door, pressed against Wooyoung's who held him captive with that hand over his shoulder. The owner of the house opened the door, acknowledging the blonde only after he kissed his best friend breathless.

Yeosang grimaced while he tried to give a smile at the interaction unfolding in front of him before he was pushed in. His eyes brightened though when he saw the familiar giant nearing him with wide open arms. Wasting no time he ran to wrap his own arms around Mingi's waist, burying his face in the strong chest.

"How's my baby doing?" The husky voice echoed in the quietness of the room as he cupped the shorter's face to nuzzle his nose against his own. Yeosang's face fired up again but he just smiled before he replied. "Good I just had a very delicious coffee" he smiled brighter as Mingi nodded attentively. "Can I have a delicious dinner later too?" He asked and Yeosang's eyebrows raised in delight. "Of course! What do you want to eat? Meat? Seafood?"

Mingi squinted his eyes as he chuckled before bumping his forehead against the blonde's. "You. I want you" he whispered and Yeosang had to squeal at the answer as he pulled a way, slapping the broad chest in response.

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