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"Yeosang, I have something to confess to you" Mingi suddenly whispered when he noticed the other's sparkly eyes glistening in the dim room. The human cleared his throat before he gave his full attention to the taller, who shifted to have a clearer view of the beautiful face.

"What is it?" The blonde asked invested. "Well... do you remember when I asked you about the supernatural?" The demon asked pointedly and the latter could only nod his head yes, confusion loud on his face.

"Well... I was given a punishment. So, I can't but let you know today. I don't have time." The taller stumbled upon his words cowardly which only made the blonde's confusion grow bigger. "You okay? Mingi you're confusing me" The shorter said anxiety slowly creeping in his chest. "Yeosang," The taller called for the nth time .

"I am not a human."

Yeosang took a few moments of silence before he let a snort out. Slapping the other's bicep softly he rolled his eyes. "Oh come on Min, what are you 5? Here I am seriously paying all my attention to you" the human snorted once more.

"No!" Mingi rasped, freezing the human's movement of getting up. "I'm serious. I am a demon, created in Hell since day 1. I can prove it to you however you want."

The older tried to convince the blonde desperately, the blonde who was now furrowing his eyebrows perplexed. "Mingi? What kind of a fairytale for adults are you telling me right now?" Yeosang whispered, unconsciously gripping the blanket harder in his palms.

Mingi ruffled his hair in frustration, and right then was when his eyes turned red again but this time Yeosang didn't find it fascinating, but scary. Flinching the blonde pushed himself farther from the taller, gasping.

"Y-Yeosang- wait!" Mingi begged when the human stood up abruptly. "What in the world are you telling me now Mingi? If your name is Mingi at that!" Yeosang hissed with furrowed eyebrows. "Of course it's Mingi what are you talking about?" Mingi squinted his eyes at the uncalled accusation. "You're- why are you you after me then? What did I do to you?" Yeosang shouted with a trembling voice. "Nothing! I'm not after you I'm into you. That's different!" Mingi fought back but the only reaction he got was an exasperated gasp "Oh my god! How romantic" Yeosang clasped his hands with irony.

"You said that you don't have a problem with the supernatural!" Mingi reasoned and Yeosang scoffed. "I don't have a problem with it if it's a mere ghost Mingi! I can't believe I am having such a conversation" Yeosang raised his voice as his left hand pushed his now sweaty hair back.

"So what? Are you scared of me now?" Mingi bit his lips as his eyes downcast hurt. Yeosang paused, trying to organize his thoughts. He didn't even know at this point. Was what he was feeling fear? Was it that he was feeling hurt, anger? Lost of trust? He literally had no idea at the moment. The sure thing is he was feeling let down in one way or another.

Mingi snorted, masking his disappointment. "Okay. Understood." He got up as he wore his clothes. "Get dressed." He said unenthusiastically. Yeosang tilted his head to the side. "What?" He stared emotionless at the demon.  "I'm dropping you home." He informed and Yeosang widened his eyes at him. "So now you're throwing me away?" Yeosang let out a choked sigh out, his hands raised to show how astonished he felt.

Mingi sucked his lower lip unintentionally glaring at Yeosang. "Are you joking right now?" He groaned. "What do you want me to do when you're acting like that? Take you on a date?" He snorted and Yeosang dropped his arms to his sides. "Wow." Was all he said as he wore his clothes, movements haste and anger fueled.

Yeosang started stomping his way towards the door Mingi following him hurriedly. "Where are you going?" He asked and Yeosang turned around quickly. "Going home?" He replied sassily and Mingi rolled his eyes before he put a hand out, the human giving him a questioning raise of an eyebrow.

"Give me your hand" the taller ordered and Yeosang jerked his head while he folded his arms against his chest, almost in a sulky way. "I don't want to" he spat stubbornly making Mingi roll his eyes yet again.

Clicking his tongue Mingi strolled forward, grabbing one of the hands forcefully. "Give me you fucking hand" he whispered angrily as he cover Yeosang's eyes with the back of his hand. It only lasted a few seconds but when he put his hand away, Yeosang was shocked to see that the background changed and he was standing in the middle of his living room.

Gasping Yeosang looked around, his eyes showcased something close to excitement but he covered it with a cough. "Are you trying to impress me?" He cocked an eyebrow and Mingi was so confused with his attitude because he honestly wasn't sure if Yeosang was afraid of him or just annoyed at him.

"Are you trying to drive me crazy?" Mingi retorted and Yeosang huffed. "You wish" he jerked his head to the left. "Yeosang, I honestly need an answer. Do you still think you can meet me or not?" The taller sighed as he rubbed his eyes.

Yeosang bit his lip, deep in thought. Weirdly enough he was anything but scared at the moment. But yet again Yeosang is not like any other human being. He is crazier.

"Maybe" he closed his eyes provokingly. "That's not an answer." Mingi gritted his teeth. He doesn't know if he is entertained or done with Yeosang at this moment. "I need time." Yeosang whispered honestly. "Does Hell give such opportunities?" He joked, unable to keep his sassiness intact.

Mingi felt like pulling his hair out before he took a deep breath in. "Okay I'll give you enough time you better have an answer when we meet again." He replied, his hand hovering over the soft blonde locks. He didn't touch him. He wasn't sure if Yeosang would be comfortable with that. Giving a soft side smile he clicked his fingers twice before disappearing into thin air.

Yeosang's jaw dropped to the ground at what his eyes were trying to register. Rushing to his sofa he dialed Wooyoung's number as quickly as possible. The moment the phone call was accepted he shouted "Come to my house right now" and hanged up.

How do you deal with such a reality?


Hello! How have you been?
I hope you liked this chapter and that you found it at least a little funny cause i honestly laughed while writing some parts.
I thought of a lot ways to approach this part but it wouldn't feel that it would blend too much if it was straight up angst. Cause Mingi and Yeosang are a weird couple since the beginning. Anyway! I hope you enjoyed it. See you soon!☺️

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