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I wonder where is Joongie, I haven't seen him in class since Monday, today is Wednesday... I hope he didn't get in trouble again. His father always grounds him. I have to pass by and check; I don't care if hyung doesn't allow it.

Jongho grabbed his bag from the desk and the moment their professor dismissed the class he ran out, to catch the bus as quickly as possible. To his luck, the bus came the moment he arrived to the station so he quickly got on; scanning his transportation card.

His anxiety got the best of him the closer he got to Hongjoong's apartment. His leg shook up and down uncontrollably and his hands were sweaty. He knows something is wrong with Hongjoong's family he just doesn't know what. Hongjoong's father is a very respected man in the business world is all he knows.

Patting his hair down he pressed the bell, the camera light turning on almost immediately. "Hello?" A female voice asked and Jongho cleared his throat. "Mrs. Kim! It's me Jongho!" He said and something close to a gasp was heard but he doubt his ears cause of the possibility that the microphone buffered.

"Baby, H-Hongjoong is sick" she said and Jongho felt his chest tighten. "Can I please come in?" He begged and there was a sigh before the door got unlocked. He pushed in hurriedly. When the elevator door slid open Mrs. Kim was already waiting at the door. "Hello!" He shouted with a smile before bowing 90 degrees, a finger supporting his spectacles.

Mrs. Kim gave a small smile that didn't reflect in her eyes but Jongho was used to the sight. She let him in and Jongho waddled his way towards his friend's room. Even if the shorter is his long lasting friend he still knocked on the door. When he heard a groan he took it as a sign to enter.

The room was pretty much pitch black but he still tried squinting his eyes to focus. "Joongie?" He whispered and a cough echoed from the bed, and that's when the younger noticed a bundle on it. He tiptoed around it, spotting the blonde locks. He sat next to the older and poked his shoulder softly but the latter gave a pained whimper back.

Cocking his head to the side in confusion the younger stopped the physical contact. "Joongie? Are you hurt Joongie?" He whispered concerned. Hongjoong shook his head pushing the boy away. "Go home Jongho" he said sternly but the other furrowed his eyebrows. "What? Why? Let me see your face" the biologist whined, disheartened.

"No. Go home" the blonde responded back. "No I'm not going home!" Jongho raised his voice slightly, clutching on Hongjoong's elbow, but the painful yelp that followed made him let go as if he touched a burning coal. "Joongie! You are hurt!" He cried out worried.

Hongjoong sighed softly before he took the blanket away from his face which he covered with. Jongho's frown deepened at the sight. Hongjoong's face was covered with bruises. And his eyes were full of tears. The younger gasped loudly, standing up instinctively. "Joongie? Who did that to you?!" He shouted, unable to keep his cool.

It angered him when his friend shook his head, not giving him an answer. "Joongie! We have to go to the police!" He tried to coax his friend but he got the same reaction. Jongho who sat defeated run a hand through his hair, distressed. "What happened to you?" He asked softly. Before he asked again thought, Hongjoong wrapped his arms around the brunette and started wheezing loudly, his face pressed against his friend's chest.

Jongho's heart sank at the horrible sounds as he ran a very careful hand over the back of Hongjoong's head. "Joongie... please tell me what happened. Let me help you" the younger pouted as Hongjoong looked him in the eyes.

The brunette rubbed his thumbs under the older's eyes to wipe the wetness away. "I won't tell anyone please tell me" he whispered lowly. Hongjoong took a deep calming breath in.

"Jongho. Can I stay in your house today?" Hongjoong pleaded and Jongho nodded his head at the speed of the light. "I thought your daddy didn't allow you to spend the night away" he voiced and Hongjoong shuddered. "He is on a business trip" was all he let out before he grabbed a bag that was already packed and stood up on wobbly legs.

Jongho helped support his friend as they exited and his mother held her tears back at the view. "Mrs. Kim, Hongjoong wishes to stay with me today, is that okay?" He asked afraid she'd reject the idea. However she nodded relieved. "Sure! Take him home!" She said in a trembling voice.

The young boy didn't want to put his friend through hardships so he decided to call a taxi instead of taking the public transportation. The taxi driver was kind enough to not look in any funny way and drove in silence. It took them only 30 minutes to arrive and Jongho quickly paid the driver before leading Hongjoong to his apartment.

When they went in the brunette's mother stood in shock of the blonde's stare. "Hongjoong! Baby! What's wrong?" She asked in an equally shocked manner. Her son's eyes shot her a judging pointed look to be quiet and she nodded slightly motioning for the boy to take them to his room.

When they were sat on the soft bed Jongho took Hongjoong's hands in his own. "Joongie tell me what happened." He ushered and Hongjoong sniffed slightly. "I- J-jongho... can we just say that I got into a fight?" The blonde asked in despair.

The younger stared at the latter in surprise. "But with who?" He asked equally desperate for answers. "People I don't know!" Hongjoong lied through his teeth as he wiped his runny nose with his sleeve.

"I was jumped on okay?" He said frustrated and even though Jongho didn't believe him he didn't want his friend to walk into a panic attack so he shushed him, nodding. "Okay. Okay.." he whispered as he cupped Hongjoong's cheek and placed an innocent and comforting kiss on the boy's bruise.

Hongjoong sighed in relief at that and laid on this side, playing with Jongho's plushies. "I'm going to tell mommy to cook something okay?" The younger asked but was out of the room before the blonde rejected the offer.

Around 40 minutes later the kind woman knocked on the door, knowing Hongjoong for about 7 years now she knows he enjoys noodles soup that contain meat so she made something based on that; wanting to comfort the poor boy in any possible way. Jongho forced Hongjoong to eat and the other was silently grateful for the amount of love Jongho was showering him with.

It was only 9 in the night when Hongjoong fell asleep, exhausted beside Jongho. The latter was reading his dark magic or occult stuff he likes. In the article he was reading there was a part where it said that if you use a specific spell correctly you can know a person's secret.

Pausing Jongho looked at the sleeping figure on his bed, contemplating if he should use it because he really, really wanted to help him but Hongjoong looked terrified to let him know what happened.

He shook his head, locking his phone before he laid beside the older closing his eyes as well. However, unconsciously, he chanted the spell he read in his mind while he tried to fall sleep...

It was around 4am that he woke up to go to the bathroom, only to find another smirking man standing beside his desk when he came back.

"Who are you?!"

I'm sorry it wouldn't be me if there's not a single part that's angst... jongho is my favourite character in this fanfiction by the way 🥺🥺👉👈
I hope you liked the chapter!
See you soon!

 jongho is my favourite character in this fanfiction by the way 🥺🥺👉👈I hope you liked the chapter! See you soon!

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