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Yeosang woke up the following morning with a banging headache as he scrunched his nose in pain. He looked around only to find himself in an unknown place. It was way too black to be his apartment.

Groaning he sat on his butt, a hand rubbing his temples. He was disgusted by how much alcohol contained the taste in his mouth. As he was about to throw the covers away a very familiar voice sounded from his left.

"Well, good morning bright sunshine" Mingi was so unamused you could see it in his eyes. The blonde blushed at all the events from yesterday to this exact moment, keeping his eyes trained on his hands.

"I-I'm sorry I will leave now... I will pay the check out!" He stumbled over his words and Mingi rolled his eyes. "You're in my house not in a hotel" he groaned and Yeosang's head snapped at that. "Wh-what?" The human asked again and Mingi rolled his eyes yet again. "Okay now that you're up. Get dressed and leave." The taller mumbled as he was about to go out of the room but Yeosang sprinted towards him, grabbing his elbow to prevent him that.

"What!?" The shorter shouted offended. "Why are you being such a dick?" He asked; hurt evident in his voice. Mingi looked at the other, his eyes shamelessly scanning the exposed skin on the smooth legs before he looked at the younger's equally hurt eyes. "What am I supposed to do? Marry you?" Mingi deadpanned and Yeosang frowned.

"We fucked once, it was good but that's it... just get over it?" He said oh so casually that it sounded ridiculous to the human's ears. Yeosang involuntarily laughed at the response. "Oh wow" he whispered too shocked to even say anything else. "You-" ruffling his hair Yeosang threw his fisted hands towards the older's chest "You are such a horrible person" Yeosang said with something close to hate but in all honesty it was him feeling used, cheap and hurt.

Mingi cocked his head to the side "I know. I didn't say I'll be your boyfriend. You said yourself, what do you have to do to get me out of your fucking life; I gave you that now why are you being stuck to me like a gum under my shoe?" The demon growled loudly and Yeosang flinched at the loudness.

"If you didn't barge into my house and life every single day I would be fine but you made me think only about you! Now you have to take responsibility!" Yeosang shouted back and Mingi laughed, still annoyed. "Take responsibility of fucking what?!" He asked frustrated and Yeosang punched his chest once more pushing him back slightly. "Of this!" He yelled clutching on his clothe above where his heart is supposed to be.

And there was a moment of silence after that as they both stared at each other in shock. Yeosang definitely didn't plan on saying that and Mingi definitely didn't expect to hear anything close to that.

"It's better we don't meet again" Mingi said after he cleared his throat and Yeosang widened his eyes comically. "Ain't no way! I didn't get a choice when you decided to come uninvited every time and now you don't get the chance to decide anymore. This one's on me. I say when it's over." Yeosang huffed before backing up and falling onto the unmade bed.

"What are you doing?" Mingi's eyebrows met in confusion, getting more confused when the blonde smirked at him. "I'm going to sleep and you're going to be here when I wake up." He stubbornly said as he pulled the covers up to his fluffy hair but said blanket was clutched and thrown to the floor a second after. "No you're not. Go home! I don't want you here" Mingi glared and Yeosang rolled to lay on his stomach, his head on his palms as he gave Mingi a mischievous smile.

"Hmm? I don't want to" he said playfully and Mingi could only stare at him dumbfounded. "What do you mean by that?" Mingi said in a low, pissed voice. "Well, that's how you did it too wasn't it now Mingi?" Yeosang chuckled before faking a yawn. "Now even if you mind" he uttered while rolling to lay down again.

His heart was beating in his chest and he has no idea what the hell he is doing.

A few hours later when Yeosang got up, he noticed the day light was darker and then he slapped a hand on his forehead as his mind replayed him what he was saying before. Okay if his confidence didn't dissipate he'd be cool with it but right now he is so nervous he can hear his heart beating.

Slowly he left the room, his shaking hands finding support in the death grip he had on the hem of his dress tee. Heading to what looked like the living room he noticed the raven head of the taller leaning against the backrest of the couch.

"H-hi" he whispered softly, cussing himself mentally for stuttering. Mingi's head turned to him as his eyes followed his every move, until he sat next to the taller awkwardly. "Are you back to your senses?" Mingi asked but this time he was neither angry nor frustrated.

Yeosang cleared his throat before he gathers all the bits of his courage, as he hopped on to straddle Mingi. He's not good at seducing people and he's not confident enough to do it. But his heart screams at him to do something; anything. Mingi's eyes widened at that as he stared at the human on his lap.

"Yeosang? The fuck you're doing?" Mingi wake and the blonde shrugged, a finger gliding over his dressed chest. "What do you want?" Mingi asked again, frustration slowly coming back. "I just don't want to spend too many days away from you" Yeosang whispered in a trembling voice softly, looking at the demon through his eyelashes.

Mingi bit his lip at the response he got, raising a hand to push the other's fallen head up. "Yeosang. You can't like me" he said sternly looking right at the other's eyes. "I- it wasn't a choice!" Yeosang rasped annoyed at how easily he was discarded.

"Well make the choice to undo it. You really can't like m-" He was interrupted by the other pecking his lips, his own eyes wide open. "Yeosang!" He scolded and the latter huffed as he got off of the other's lap annoyed.

"You're so unbelievably bad" he mumbled as he curled to himself at the other end of the sofa. He didn't know how it happened so fast but he was honestly hurt and his heart felt as if you're rubbing salt on it and trust him he hates it. All of it. He doesn't want to like Mingi, hell he doesn't want to like anyone but it really wasn't a choice. It just happened.

"I'm going home." He said as he ran to get his other clothes. When he returned he saw Mingi standing at the door and chuckled. "Eager aren't you" he shook his head and Mingi glared at him. "The fuck you on about. Come I'll take you home." Yeosang shook his head again. "I don't want you to." He said angrily and Mingi gritted his teeth. "It wasn't a question. Move." He growled as he walked out, leaving the door open for the human to follow. Yeosang stomped his feet as he walked towards the door slamming it shut as he rolled his shoulders back annoyed.

'What a motherfucker'

I don't know what's the occasion but the place I work in had a lot of private parties this past few days and all finished around 5am and I was dying hence I couldn't post. Like it's so annoying I have everything in my mind but writing it takes time and energy I didn't have to give 😓😓 I hope you liked this tho~

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