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Hongjoong sat silently next to Yunho, who was scrolling down his phone mindlessly. It has been around 2 weeks since they moved in 'together' and the man kept his promise of visiting enough times to make his mother believe that they are in a relationship.

His mother was getting professional help to cover the problem her husband planted in her. They told Hongjoong to attend some too. However, the boy was persistent about not needing the help, cause according to him he didn't have any mental problem, he was just scared of his father.

They let him do as he wanted for the moment cause it's the first time in his life he is able to choose freely for himself. They wanted to let him know that his opinion matters from now on.

But, only Yunho knew how the younger's sleep was disturbed night and night by nightmares, he would be the one to calm the boy down. He would usually feather his soft hair until the boy's sobs turned to hiccups and he would be taken back by sleep.

Yunho and Hongjoong actually have grown very close and fond of each other so far. Well, Hongjoong did cause Yunho had been fond of the boy since way back.

Hongjoong would occasionally go to Yunho and tell him his dilemmas or if he wanted advice. Even for school related stuff. You could say the blonde looked up to the grip reaper.

Yunho was kind, and soft spoken. When he wanted to go against something the human thought he never raised his voice and he always debated. He didn't demand his opinion or thoughts on the younger. Instead he would explain why they shouldn't do what the younger suggested and that was something new for Hongjoong. Usually if his appeals didn't pass the vibe his father would wack him at the back of his head and would swear at him.

Hongjoong also was gifted a new phone, the trendiest of the market and the boy felt happy as he played with it. Yunho made him accept it as he accepted his deal.

Speaking of Yunho he moaned in pain suddenly as he clutched on his side. Alarmed, the human laid a supporting hand on the man's shoulder blade. "Hyung? Hyung what's wrong?" He frowned, studying how the taller's face churned in a painful expression.

Yunho didn't want to let the boy know the side effects of him using his powers to protect him so he just shook his head with a forced smile. "It's okay" he huffed as he patted Hongjoong's head. The younger gasped as he looked at the full of warm emotions eyes the other supported at the moment.

It's something about Yunho that makes Hongjoong feel like he found what home feels like nowadays and it has been bugging the pace of his heartbeat more than he would like to admit.

Maybe it's the way Yunho is never rough, or the fact that he is always considerate or maybe even just because he's a handsome man but Hongjoong can feel his heart melting slowly when things include the demon.

"Hyung..." he whispered sadly as he could read  the other's pain even if he tried his best to hide it. Yunho only smiled at him as he stood up, ready to leave.

"Wait!" Hongjoong spat, surprising even himself. Yunho turned around, shocked at the volume of the human's voice. "What is it?" He cocked his head to the side and Hongjoong played with the hem of his shirt nervously. "Can you stay tonight?" He pleaded with soft eyes and Yunho huffed again.

He has noticed the human asks for more of his presence the past couple of days and he can't allow him to get attached to him. It's not normal. And Hongjoong is destined for Heaven. He would do nothing to steal that from the boy. Not by choice at least.

Yunho even if he had all the time of the world he shook his head with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry little squirrel but it's time to leave. You wait until your mom is back, hm?" He patted the smaller's head as he turned on his heels to head out of the door.

Hongjoong pressed his nails deep in the skin of his palm as he felt himself blushing to the pet name. It felt good to hear beautiful things directed at him. And squirrels are cute, it made his heart beat faster.

However his face fell when he heard that the older is willingly leaving. He didn't say he is busy. He said he wants to leave.

'He doesn't want to spend time with me, I'm a burden to him. He probably hates me, like I hate myself'

He felt his eyes watering at the haunting thoughts that his mind was full of. He feels rejected at a human being. Maybe he is sensitive but he felt unwanted, again.

His eyes fell on his old scars peeking from his long sleeve and his hand itched. He fisted his fingers to distract himself, they twitched in his hand. No. He can't roll down.

But then again, you deserve it. You saved mom, brother is also away. It wouldn't matter. To anyone. Don't kid yourself.

That's what Hongjoong reminded himself as he locked the door of the bathroom, with a tear stained face.

I love Hongjoong I swear I don't know why I make him suffer every time. I hope you like where this is going cause I haven't written in a while and I'm insecure lol. 💗

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