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⚠️double update⚠️

Hongjoong returned home from school, tiptoeing to not make himself heard. But, his luck didn't even exist as he heard his father clicking his tongue.

"Kim Hongjoong." He said lowly and Hongjoong's heart glitched in his chest. Turning around, he clasped his hands in front. "Yes, sir?" He asked but his father curled two fingers towards himself, motioning for the younger to come closer.

Hesitantly the young boy moved forward, stopping when his father stretched his palm. "Roll up your shirt" he ordered and Hongjoong dug his nails in his palm but obeyed either way. His father stilled in position as he saw the boy had no sign of his previous bruises.

The elder felt intimidated by the boy as this was everything but normal. "How the hell?" He shouted, making the boy cower backwards. "How do you do that? Is this too easy for you? Is it fun?" He growled as he walked near the teenager angrily, his leg kicking the boy's shin painfully.

Hongjoong cried at the sudden pain as he kneeled to grab his leg. Mr. Kim's face churned in disgust as he brought a foot to kick the side of the boy's face. The blonde gasped for air as he heard a ringing in his ear, his vision blurring.

"What the fuck are you?" His father yelled as he kicked him uncontrollably over and over. When the boy fell limp on the floor he huffed, as he pulled his hair back frustrated. Giving one last unapologetic look to his son he promenaded his way out of the house.

A couple of hours must have passed when the blonde opened his eyes again, at the feeling of being shaken. Waking up with wide, scared eyes he scanned the room only then noticing that a specific someone was standing next to him, a hand softly on his shoulder; and then on the small of his back for support.

The small hair on the back of his head rose in goosebumps as he realized it's not his mother but Yunho. "Wh- what? How? How do you know where I live?" He asked scared as he backed away instinctively. Yunho sighed as he neared the younger again. "Hongjoong. You're beaten up... let me help clean you." He whispered and Hongjoong shook his head. "No!" He shouted, hands wrapping around himself. "This one happened because of you and your stupid kisses!" He cried, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Yunho paused shocked. "What do you mean?" He asked his breath coming short out. "Sir Kim did this because of you making my bruises heal!" He sobbed and Yunho's eyes closed, for the first time his aura feeling unwelcome and dangerous.

"What did you say?" He asked with a deep, low, unenthusiastic tone. Hongjoong felt scared as the usual light in the other's eyes faded into nothing. "I- I'm sorry!" He said, not really knowing what to respond with. He was just afraid he got himself in trouble again. Trouble seems to be his best friend.

Yunho cleared his throat. "Hongjoong. Do you want to leave?" He asked again  and Hongjoong rolled his eyes. "Yes cause a lot of people would employ a weak teenager with no diploma." He smiled with no humor as he sniffled.

Yunho shook his head. "No, I will provide you everything." He rushed to explain. Hongjoong looked at the brunette with wide eyes, shocked at the offer. "Why would you do that?" He cried again, somehow touched at the suggestion.

"Because I want to." He deadpanned and Hongjoong shook his head. "No, you're secretive, scary and terrifying." He answered, surprising him with the revealing details of how he views the young grim reaper.

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