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Yeosang was very quiet nowadays. Like too quiet. He usually is a quiet person but never to this extent. Wooyoung clicked his tongue irritated. "Okay?" He voiced out of the blue, fact that had Yeosang raising a questioning brow at him. "Okay what?" The younger exclaimed confused.

"Okay what the fuck?" Wooyoung replied making the blonde more confused than before. "You on drugs?" Yeosang rolled his eyes at the red head. Wooyoung snorted flipping him off. "What is wrong with you?" He whined and Yeosang let an exasperated breath out, moving his hands above his head frustrated. "What is wrong with me? You're the one that doesn't make sense and speaks vulgarly for no reason" the blonde shook his head, taking an angry sip from his coffee.

Wooyoung cracked character at that laughing; he enjoyed making his best friend angry, as if he was getting rewarded for it. It's not his fault that Yeosang is cute and hilarious at the same time.

"Okay. Shut up. Why you acting like someone sucked your dick the wrong way?" The secretary asked more clearly and Yeosang squinted his eyes, gasping. "No I am not" he defended and Wooyoung snorted again. "Really? Say that to your face" he looked up and the blonde was staring at him as if he grew a second head. "What's with all of this all of a sudden?" Yeosang whined and Wooyoung sunk deeper into his seat, leaning his neck against the backside.

"Well you look depressed nowadays" the older shrugged and Yeosang sighed. He knows why and he hated to admit that it had to do something with a certain someone. The younger still hasn't let his friend know; afraid he'd be called a liar or double faced for letting a man literally take him when he expressed time over time how he is not gay.

Wooyoung definitely would never make fun of him, that's for sure but he still feels weird within himself. How he lost control, how he lost power of his mind. How he still wishes the taller would be next to him when he woke up, not making him feel as if he was a cheap whore. And he scolds himself again and again for wanting to see the man again, let him take advantage of him once again. That's not how he usually works.

"See?" Wooyoung's voice cut like a knife through his thoughts. Shaking his head in surprise Yeosang's eyes cleared focus on his friend's face. "You look like a drenched pussy right now" Wooyoung chuckled at the offended expression on the blonde's face. "Why you cussing me out?" He cried out and the older giggled "I thought you like cats" he smirked mischievously as Yeosang glared at him.

Ruffling his hair awkwardly Yeosang took a deep, deep breath before he dropped his hand heavily on the table, startling the red haired man in the meantime. "Young." The shorter said seriously, straightening his shoulders. Gaining the attention of the other he sighed once more before he began speaking again.

"There... I-I, ha! You remember when we went to that dirty pub a few weeks ago?" He asked and Wooyoung's eyes lost focus for a second as he bit his lip, lost in thoughts. "Well do you?" The painter asked impatiently and Wooyoung nodded. "How can I not. I met my daddy that night." He replied dreamily making his friends' face turn into a semi disgusted expression.

Clearing his throat Yeosang pointed his friend with a look before he went on. "Well, I met a man. A handsome man. With this and with that we got closer" Yeosang internally rolled his eyes as their interactions passed by his eyes for a split second but one look to his friend's still clueless face made him roll his eyes externally as well. "Well, what I'm tryin to say is.."

"Is what Sang?! If I was pregnant I would've given birth by now. Say it!" Wooyoung frowned as his eyebrows met. "Okay! Is that we fucked" he spat hurriedly but Wooyoung was sitting so silently and so still that he kinda felt underwhelmed. "You got nothing to say?" He chewed on his dried lips stressed but Wooyoung's palms slamming against the table made him flinch violently.

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