Fighting for a Decision

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Jacob's P.O.V

The Friday was its usual boring self. I woke up for school and did my daily routines. It was only until the guys and I went out to play football after school did it start to get interesting. Alex, tucker, and Brett were on one team and Brandon, Andrew, and I were on the other. I don't really remember the score but after an hour and a half of playing we went to get slurpees for the remaining half.

During that I got a text from Jhordian asking if I wanted to play basketball. I said bye to everyone and ran to the courts where CJ, Jhordian, and Meleke were already playing around. We played two on two for about an hour before we just layed there on the court. I got a text from Reilly asking if I wanted to go see a movie at 7:30. I replied back with a yes and she said be there at 7:15 so we could play games at the arcade first. The arcade is inside the movies but its not much of one. There's about eight games total and some are usually broken. I tell the guys about Reilly and I say bye to them then I go home to take a shower.

Fifteen minutes later I'm opening the doors to the movies. I find Reilly sitting on a bench reading something on her phone. I come up behind her and kiss her on the cheek. She turns around and stands. After the movie is over I walk her home.

When I get home I crash onto my bed and lay there for about ten minutes until I hear screaming.

"Jacob! Come eat already! I'm starving!" Complained my little sister, Jasmine. She was bouncing on my back. How she got on me, I have no idea. I roll over on my side and she hops to the opposite side I'm going. We lay there for a little while having a staring contest. She obviously knows she's winning because she starts smiling. I roll my eyes and start to get up.

"I'm coming." I finally say. She jumps off the bed and runs downstairs.

"What took you so long?" My mom asked when I got into the kitchen. I open my mouth to speak until I hear someone do it for me.

"Probably his stupid girlfriend again." Jasmine comments disgusted and annoyed. I start tensing up a little and Mom gives Jasmine a look. "What? I don't like her. She's rude and only cares about herself." Jasmine says to Mom. She turns towards me and mumbles. "Even Mom thinks so."

"Jasmine-" She replies exasperated. She shakes her head and leaves the kitchen with two plates in her hand.

"Way to go, sis." I mumble when mom is gone. She rolls her eyes.

"I was being honest. I don't like her. If you were being honest too then you would say the same thing." She grabs a drink from the fridge and leaves the kitchen with her drink and plate in hand. I turn my back on her as she stops at the doorway. "Well if you're not gonna date someone nice you could at least date someone pretty." Then leaves completely.

I follow her into the dining room where my parents and now younger sister are seated. After dinner I go back to my room and change into athletic shorts. I leave my shirt off and climb into bed switching the tv on. My mind wanders to what Jasmine was saying and I play back everything I've done with Reilly. Reilly is cute and fun at times and she cares about me. Maybe not the way a girlfriend should but she still cares. With her though, everything is demanded and controlled. She's protective and bossy around my friends but she's different around me. Maybe that's why it feels wrong, because maybe I want a girlfriend who doesn't change around anyone. Someone who actually likes hanging out with my friends and they like hanging out with her.

My door opens and Jasmine quietly walks to the left side of the bed. She gets under the cover, lays down, and turns towards me. We look at each other for a while before she opens her mouth.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad." She whispers. I sigh and move my hands from behind my head. She comes over and lays closer to me.

"Don't be. You were right. Maybe I like her but not the way she wants. Not the way she needs." We lay there in silence watching the tv.

"I love you Jacob." She says yawning. I kiss the top of her head.

"I love you too little sis." When it's way past midnight I carry Jasmine back to her room. I kiss her on the head again after tucking her in and turn off her light.

I go downstairs to find a snack and drink and find my mom doing the same. She grabs two granola bars from the pantry and hands one to me. I unwrap it and take a bite.

"You need to start wearing shirts around the house." I laugh and take another bite.

"You and Dad need to stop kissing in front of me and Jasmine when we're home."

"It's what happens when you're in love." I grimace trying to get the picture out of my mind. I finish my bar and grab a water. My mom throws away both of our wrappers.


"Yes sweetie?" She looks at me.

"When Jasmine said you didn't like Reilly, was she telling the truth?"

"Yes and no. I like Reilly, yes, but she kind of has this bad vibe I get from her. She's nice but she doesn't really have any respect for anyone, even adults, if that makes sense? I don't exactly trust her. But if you like her then that is up to you if you date her."

"That's kind of the problem. I don't know if I want to date her anymore. What Jasmine said got me thinking maybe I don't really like her like that. It doesn't feel real, you know?"

"I know." She pauses for a second before continuing. "You know when I was your age I had this boyfriend who-"

"Eww. Mom. That's not exactly what I wanted to hear before bed." She rolls her eyes and starts a different strategy.
"If it doesn't feel real then it probably isn't. Take a break with her if you need to. No one said you can't get back together. She'll understand if she really cares about you. Just remember, dating should be fun and adventurous otherwise you're with the wrong person." She kisses the top of my head. "I love you sweetie."

"I know Mom."

"Good night." She says as she walks out of the kitchen.

"Night." I call after her.

AN/: Tell me what you think about it so far!
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