Fighting for a Crush

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

Mandatory hang out date! Cafe in ten! I read the text from Mallory. I'm currently laying on Jacob's bed playing Mario Bros with CJ, Jhordian, and Jacob. I sigh and sit up.

With guys. Bring them or diss? I throw my phone beside me and continue playing the game. A second later my phone vibrates.

Ur call.

"Who texted?" Jhordian asks not looking away from the TV.

"Mallory. She wants to hang out." Jacob pauses the game and stands.

"Well then lets go." He grabs his phone and wallet and walks out of the room. I look over at CJ and Jhordian who are still staring at the TV.

"Well I guess that answers that question." I say standing from the bed.

"I knew you would bring them." Mallory says when we get inside the café.

"They brought themselves." I correct. "All I said was that you and I were hanging out."

I get into the line to order a drink as Mallory gets a table with the guys.

"What are you getting?" Jacob asks coming beside me. I look at him then behind me to see a couple behind us.

"You know you just cutted right?" Jacob looks at the people behind us.

"Cutted isn't a word."

"You know you just cut right?" I repeat.

"Oh you're one of those people."

"And you're one of those people." I repeat. He smiles. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around to see the couple.

"It's fine. You two are cute together."

"We aren't together." Jacob and I say simultaneously. We glance at each other.

"Thanks for letting me cut." Jacob says before we turn back around.

"You never told me what you were getting."

"Limeade." He nods as we step up to the counter.

"Two limeades." Jacob says as I open my mouth to speak.

"You don't have to-"

"No. No. You taught me to never cut in line. It's the least I could do." I roll my eyes and smile. He turns towards me.

"Call it generosity. I can buy my own drink."

"I can too." He says proudly.

"So together or..." The barista says looking back and forth between us. I stare at Jacob and he stares back. I look at her name tag that reads 'Mandy'.

"Together." Jacob says after I blink turning back to the girl. The girl nods and looks at me with a slight glare. Jacob hands her a ten and she gives him his change back.

"Did she glare at you or am I just imagining things?" Jacob whispers when the girl turns around to get our drinks.

"Nope. She glared." I reassure.

"Why? Do you know her?"

"No but it's probably because your standing next to me." I say nonchalant.

"Why would that matter?"

"Because she thinks your cute."

"And you know that how?" He asks turning towards me again. He leans his hand on the counter. I look over at him as he raises an eyebrow. My heart rate speeds up.

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