Fighting for a Relationship

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

"It's seven forty and CJ isn't here. I actually showed up on time and he's not here." Jacob complains.

"I've been here since seven idiot." CJ says popping up behind Jacob. Jacob rolls his eyes as CJ comes around and sits at our table.

"So what did you want us here for?" I ask changing the subject.

"I need your help." CJ looks around the table. "I'm asking out Lindsey during lunch." If it wasn't quiet before, it was now.

"You're what?" Mallory asks smiling. "That's so exciting!" She squeals.

"It's about damn time. You've been crushing on her for forever." Jhordian says. Jacob grabs my hand and kisses it. I smile and he winks.

"Are y'all done?" CJ asks looking around the table again. When no one speaks he continues. "We only have fifteen minutes before first period starts."

"We're done." Mallory concludes.

"Ok. The problem is getting Lindsey in there at the right time. That's Mallory's job. I need you to distract her until we're ready. You're the only one who can strike up a good excuse and conversation on the spot. Jhordian and Jacob, I need you're help getting everything set up by the time she gets there. Lexi, I need you to make sure everyone is in place. There's some guys from the basketball and baseball team that's helping out."

"How are you asking her?" I ask.

"That you'll have to find out when the time comes. I'll send you each a check list of things you need to get done." CJ leaves the last five minutes before the bell rings. I stand up soon after and Jacob watches me.

"Where are you going?" He asks grabbing my hand that I hold out.

"To my locker. Are you coming?" He stands and smiles before kissing me on my cheek again.

"Always." We walk to my locker hand in hand. I quickly grab my stuff and follow Jacob to his.

"There's Taylor." I mumble. Jacob looks at me and then turns his head in the direction I'm looking.

"Yeah. There she is." He says quietly. He puts a few things in his backpack.

"Have you ever wondered what would have happened if she stayed?" He looks over at me in confusion.

"No. I haven't."

"Well think about it. Do you think you would still be together?"

"I don't want to think about it. The only girl I want to think about being with in the future is you."

"Think about it anyways." I tell him. "Would you?"

"No." He answers quickly. "I would've fallen for a different blue eyed brunette." I smile up at him.

"I could never have asked for a better guy." I stare at his eyes. I lean up on my tip toes and kiss him.

"CJ. I promise every guy is exactly fifteen feet away. No more, no less." I say as I talk to him on the phone. I place the last guy in his spot as he slips on his shirt with a "Y" on it.

"Ok. Sorry. I'm just nerve wracked right now."

"You'll be fine. She's going to say yes. She's crazy about you."

"I know. But she's kind of mad at me right now. She thinks I'm blowing her off."

"Just breathe. You only have five minutes and twenty six seconds. Now I have to go so I can finish my check list."

"Ok bye." I hang up and finish off my check list. With a half a minute to spare. I sprint to Lindsey's class and make it right as the bell rings. When I get there Mallory and Lindsey are the only ones still in the classroom. Mallory finishes up her work and Lindsey stands there impatiently.

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