Fighting for a Competition

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(Jacob's P.O.V)

After school we all met up in the library. Most of us had to do homework before practices so we decided to help each other out.

"I thought you were smart." Mallory mumbles to me. I lift my head up from my homework and look at Mallory. I roll my eyes and look at Lexi who's trying to hide her smile. I nudge her with my elbow and she looks over at me. Her smile widens while I'm wearing a frown on my face but looking into her eyes I can't help but look away with a smile.

"I am. Still smarter than you at least." Mallory scoffs.

"You are not. I'm taking senior classes even though were still juniors." I raise my eyebrow.

"You mean the classes I already took?" She groans.

"You Jacob Carlos Anderson are not better than me." I chuckle and continue my homework.

"I am."

"You're not." She fires back.

"I can feel you glaring at me." I say not looking up from my work.

"Good. Maybe it'll burn through that pretty little head of yours."

"Okay. Time out. Only I can call his head pretty." Lexi says. I look up at her with a smile. She's looking down at her homework that's she's almost finished with. I grab her hand and she looks over at me. 'Love you' she mouths. I lean over and kiss her on the cheek. Before I back away I lean in closer so my mouth is by her ear.

"Love you more." I kiss her cheek again and focus on my homework again.

"I'm really tired of witnessing you two making out and being all over each other." Jhordian mumbles. He has his homework out but no pencil in his hand. No one says anything as we continue homework. Lexi is the first to finish her homework.

"Have any of you figured out what your writing your research paper on yet?" She asks as she puts up her binder.

"I'm doing obesity." Mallory says.

"I'm thinking about body image." CJ says.

"I'm deciding between pollution or animal violence." Lindsey says after a second.

"What should I do?" Jhordian asks.

"You should do something on tattoos since you have one." CJ says. I shake my head.

"I can't believe you actually got one." I mutter. I turn to Lexi. "What are you doing?" She shrugs.

"Maybe I should do it on girls versus guys. There always seems to be a constant competition between the sexes no matter where you are or what you're doing." I raise my eyebrows at her and glance at Mallory. She's looking at me expectantly, daring me to say something.

"What?" I ask her.

"Don't you dare say it." Mallory says glaring.

"You think guys are better than girls?" Lexi asks me. I don't answer but I can feel her staring at me. "Should I prove you wrong again?" She challenges. Hearing the dare in her voice makes me look at her with mischievousness in my eyes and I know she sees it too because she gets a glint of excitement in her eyes.

Everyone at the table is now looking at us. "There's no way the three of you can beat the three of us." I tell her just to egg her on.

"You my dear boyfriend are so on."

"Time out." Lindsey says holding up a T with her hands. "How can we prove that we're better? I mean obviously the boys would always judge the boys better and vice versa. What would we even be testing? Strength? The guys have that in the bag."

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