Fighting for The End

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

"Oh my gosh guys! You are never going to believe what came in the mail today!" I say excitedly. I kiss Jacob on the lips before taking a seat next to him.

"Tickets to a concert?" Mallory asks. I shake my head still smiling widely.

"No. I just got a letter from the biggest soccer camp in the US! They invited me to go and practice with other girls and boys from all over America! A whole two months with famous players and coaches!" Everyone congratulates me except Jacob.

"Woah woah woah. Wait. Time out. Two months?" My smile falls a little.

"Well yeah. The start of summer to the end."

"That's a long time." Is all Jacob says. I look at him in confusion.

"Not really. It's only about seven weeks. It's just during the summer."

"Seven weeks is longer than you think."

"What's the big deal? This is important to me. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity."

"I'm sure it is but what about us? All of us?"

"What do you mean? We can text or FaceTime."

"I don't know-" I stand up out of my chair.

"What do you mean 'you don't know'? I wasn't asking for your permission."

"Lexi. Chill-" Mallory starts but I hold up a finger.

"Don't." I tell her turning back to Jacob. "You're supposed to support me and tell me to go for it."

"I am supporting you but two months from all of us?" I turn to the rest of the group.

"Do you think I should go do it?" I ask looking at each and every one of them. No one answers. "Mal?" Mallory shrugs.

"Of course you should go for it but two months without you is going to suck."

"Lindsey?" I ask.

"If it's what you really want then yeah of course."

"CJ?" I question.

"I don't think you're seeing his point Lexi." I roll my eyes.

"That wasn't my question."

"Lexi." Jacob says grabbing my arm and turning to face him. "I'm not saying don't go for it. I'm saying you're going to be gone for two months and you don't seem to care what you're leaving behind."

"How could you say that? Why would you say that?" I ask releasing his grip on my arm and glaring at him.

"Say what? That I care about what could happen to us? That I care that you could move on or forget about us while you're gone?"

"You say that like I said I'm leaving for good." He shakes his head.

"You don't get it. I'm not saying I don't support you and I'm not saying you shouldn't go. If I can't be the reason to at least make you think about it a little longer then what am I with you for? I don't want to hold you back but I'm not going to encourage you to leave me." He grabs his backpack and leaves the library.

"Was that his way of breaking up with me?" I ask quietly.

"Lexi. Just think about how far down the ground will be before you actually jump." CJ says.

"That's not what I asked." I mumble taking a seat again. I put my chin on the table and feel tears fall. "How could he think that I would drift away from him that easily? I didn't spend every second that I've been with him fighting for a relationship just for the fun of it. I didn't risk everything I had in me to just throw it all away because I decided to leave for two months." I look up at everyone who stares back at me. "If he doesn't get that then why are we together?" I ask repeating Jacob.

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