Fighting for Forgiveness

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(Jacob's P.O.V)

Day after day I went to school with Lexi still not talking to me. I fell asleep in each class for about five to ten minutes. I would come home, go to practice, hang out with friends, and come back home to lay in bed for hours without sleeping a wink. I haven't slept for two weeks and it's killing me. My parents don't know what to do and Jasmine is getting scared for me. No amount of doctor's prescriptions or therapists help and quite frankly I think it makes it worse. If I do manage to sleep is because I'm put under and it only last for about thirty minutes before I wake up with my body soaked with sweat.

In hopes of actually going to sleep I close my eyes right when my alarm goes off to wake up. I get out of bed and go brush my teeth. I go downstairs to eat breakfast. While I wait for my plate I put my chin on my palm and watch Jasmine eat.

"Sleep any?" I look at my mom and yawn. "Ok. Sorry I asked." I grab my plate from her and start eating. When I finish I go back upstairs and get dressed. I run my hand through my hair and put my backpack on. Jasmine waits by the door for me and we walk out the door together. I yawn and run my hand through my hair again.

"Are you okay? I mean I know doctors and therapists don't help but..." She trails off. "Nevermind." I wrap my arm around her and squeeze her into my side and kiss the top of her head.

"I'll be fine. I promise."

"Do you think you and Lexi will be friends again? I miss her coming over."

"I don't know." We reach her school and we stop looking enough to give each other a hug before she runs off to one of her friends. By the time u get to school it's 8:05 and CJ and Jhordian are waiting at my locker.

"Hey." Jhordian said.

"I'll say this as nicely as possible but you look like death." CJ said.

"Good morning to you too." I tell them. As always I fell asleep in class only to wake up a couple of minutes later for some unknown reason. After every class the teacher would tell me to stay after class to talk about how my grades are dropping and that I would need to make up for it.

When I got home I flopped on my bed and closed my eyes. Soon I was asleep and all I saw was pitch black. All of a sudden I was running. Ahead of me there was a fire. I heard a loud pitched scream and I ran faster. There was a lady on the concrete laying there with her face covered.

"Where is she?" I screamed at her.

"H-Heather. She's still inside the house." I ran inside instantly inhaling smoke and stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Laying there was my grandma with her body in flames and her eyes open looking right at me. There was fire inside her mouth like the ones in the movies almost like she was breathing fire. I back away slowly, staring at her with wide eyes, my mouth open, and not caring that I'm breathing in the fumes of smoke. I closed the front door so I didn't have to see her anymore and turned around to see my Aunt Becky in the hands of two guys. Across from her was another guy holding a gun at her.

"No! Aunt Becky!" I ran for her as a gun shot sounded and she collapsed in front of me. I sat on the ground beside her and put her head in my lap. "Aunt Becky no. Please! Please! Please! Don't leave me. Don't go! Aunt Becky! No Heather died inside. I can't lose you too. Please don't leave me. You can't go." I cried and rocked back and forth. Seconds later the fire truck, cops, and ambulance came.

Next thing I know I'm being shaken awake. When I open my eyes Jasmine is hovering over me with a worried look on her face. I feel sticky and instantly know it's sweat.

"I'm fine. What's up?"

"Other than your kicking and sweating? Lexi is here." Did I hear her right?

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