Fighting for a Call Off

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

"Take me out of my misery." I mutter to Matt, my main base, as we prepare for our third full out. He smiles.

"Ankle still good?" I look down at my brace and shrug.

"It's enough to get me through practice. And right now that's all that matters." He nods in understanding.

"The things we athletes do..." He shakes his head.

"Agreed." I head to my starting spot on the mat and hit my starting pose.

"You said I could pick the movie." Jacob says from on top of me. We are currently wrestling for the remote and he's winning.

"I never said that!" I yell trying to escape from beneath him. He takes the remote from me.

"Yes!" He yells in victory. He turns the TV on and sets the movie up in content. I lay on the floor frowning up at the ceiling. "Oh come on. Don't be a Debbie downer." I turn my towards him and glare. "Come on." He throws a pillow at me. I cross my arms and look back at the ceiling. He sighs and stands from the couch. He towers over me and holds a hand out. I stare at it and back up at him. "Fine then." He huffed dropping his hand and sitting back down on the couch.

After five more minutes of laying on the floor I sit up and run my hands through my hair. As I stand up to sit on the couch the doorbell rings. I look at Jacob in confusion and see him giving me the same look. My eyes get wide.

"What if it's a burglar?" I ask whispering.

"Then you should bring a bat like in the movies." I grab a pillow and hit him with it.

"Jerk." He laughs.

"Oh and if you start screaming can you keep it down so I can hear the movie?" I hit him again before walking to the door. The doorbell rings again repeatedly.

"Lindsey? What are you doing here?" I ask after opening the door. Tears are streamed down her face, her eyes are puffy, and her cheeks are red. In her hands is a pillow and a bear and she has a a duffel bag and her school backpack on her shoulders.

"We broke up." She says before breaking down again. I wrap her in a tight hug and let her cry. When she's done I grab both of her bags and let her inside. "I just need to crash somewhere else for today."

"Ok. Just make yourself at home."

"Lexi? Who was it? I didn't hear you scream so either you're really good at being quiet or-" Jacob says coming from the living room. He stops in his tracks when he sees Lindsey. "I knew it couldn't have been the first option." I glare at him. He looks at Lindsey. "Did- did you two, uhm..." He trails off rubbing the back of his neck and putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yes." She sniffles.


"He did. He said and I quote, 'I'm tired of you and your bullshit lying.' He broke up with me and then I left."

"I'm sorry Lindsey." Jacob says quietly. She shrugs.

""Yeah well... There wasn't anything you could've done."

"He's been off lately. I don't know what's up with him."

"No one does. Not even Jhordian." She says.

"Really? You would think he would. They practically came out of the womb together." I roll my eyes. "No seriously. Their moms were best friends and they were in the same hospital room apparently, but Jhordian was a week later than CJ."

"Well there's a story to tell your children." I mumble.

"Forget him. He can go screw himself."

"Right." Jacob clears his throat and runs his hands through his hair. "Well I'll let you two have some alone time." Jacob walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead.

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