Fighting for a Broken Heart

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

Apparently word spreads fast about anything Jacob related. So Jacob now being single and "ready" to mingle only took one class period for the entire school to find out. What I found really annoying though was the fact that all the girls in my first period would tell me, to my face, how sorry they were, how cute we were, and give me a pity looks, but would talk about how they would have a chance with him behind my back.

What I don't know is if it's the fact that they're pretending to care, that they really do have a chance, or if it's just the jealous girlfriend part of me that hasn't left yet.

"Lexi." I break out of my reverie and look at the teacher. "Are you even listening?"

"Sorry." I mumble. He rolls his eyes and continues lecturing. When the bells rings I take my time packing up my stuff. As I exit the door I notice Jhordian and CJ talking and waiting by the door. I try to sneak past but they catch me and on either side of me. "Guys I'm not in the mood to talk. Kind of like the same way you didn't when you found out Jacob kissed Taylor."

"Ok seriously Lexi. We thought he was going to tell you yesterday." CJ said.

"Yeah. Besides we were caught off guard just like you were. We've known him since third grade and he wouldn't even hurt a bug. It's not like him to do something like this." Jhordian says.

"Wait. Jhordian is being serious about something. Jhordian is never serious about anything." I say flabbergasted. Jhordian rolls his eyes and sighs a little.

"Look. We aren't saying to forgive him or us but you know all three of us are sorry and we wouldn't hurt you intentionally." CJ says stopping in front of me.

"If your asking me to talk to him again the answer is no. I don't want to hear about Taylor or the kiss or even Jacob for that matter. We're over and you can't change what he did." I say. They don't say anything so I take that as my cue to keep walking.

Second period went by just as slow and was just as torturous as the first. I was kind of glad that it did because I didn't want to see Jacob, now or ever. On the other hand I wanted the day to be over with but for that to happen I would have to see Jacob. And Taylor. Hopefully not together or I might explode and punch something. Or someone. And I have a certain brunette girl with broken hips and a tall blue-eyed god in mind.

Third period rolled around and I got there before anyone else. I took out a book as a distraction but it didn't work. I read word after word but the sentence as a whole didn't make sense. My mind drifted off to everything that is Jacob. His blue eyes, his laugh, smile, smirk, personality, playfulness, kisses, his warm hugs, his body. Dear Lord his body.

He came into my life and changed it and he left just as easily. Our nonstop texting, staying up until two or three in the morning texting, or adventures that could happen at any time in the day, him sneaking into my room for a little while because he couldn't sleep and needed to see me. None of that will no longer exist, none of it will happen anymore.

Jacob came into the room right as the bell rings. He ran a hand through his hair as he collapsed in his seat. In my peripheral vision I saw him look over at me and open his mouth before deciding against it, closing his mouth, and shaking his head before running his hand through his hair again. He tugs on the ends and lays his head down on the desk. I sneak a quick glance at him from behind my book. I miss his hair. He looks bored, tired, and worse, defeated. I just want to kiss him and hug him and make him feel better. But I can't. He kissed her. He hurt me and I can't forget that. It's not that easy. I refuse to be hurt by him again. So much for our promises, right? I think as I let silent tears fall.

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