Fighting for a Kiss

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(Jacob's P.O.V)

After the movie was over Lexi and I went up to my room while Jasmine watched one of her TV shows on Netflix. Lexi sprawled on the floor as I flipped on my bed.

"What's with you and floors?" I ask looking down at her.

"Nothing. What's with you and beds?" She fires back. I laugh. She gets off the floor and goes to my dresser where the radio is and turns it on. It starts in the middle of 'Wrecking Ball' by Miley Cyrus. She starts bouncing up and down and sings along with her. I lay there and laugh and she comes over to me still bouncing. She smiles and grabs my hands pulling me up off the bed.

"Come on! Dance with me!" She says laughing. I shake my head.

"No. No way."

"Come on. Let loose and have some fun." Instead of dancing with her, I push her against the wall and look into her eyes which are filled with shock. Her lips are slightly parted and that alone drives me over the edge. Without thinking about it, I lean down and kiss her. She doesn't kiss back so I start to pull away but as I do she starts kissing back. Her hand are placed on my hips and I do the same. She pushes her hand up my chest and into my hair sending me a shiver of pleasure. I deepen the kiss and lick her lower lip and she opens her mouth giving me access. Her phone starts to ring and we break apart. She ducks under me and answers the phone. I go over to my dresser and turn the radio off. She hangs up and looks at me.

"I gotta get to cheer." She starts walking towards the door and I follow her in silence. Later that day CJ and Jhordian came over and we went to go play basketball at the courts.

About an hour after we layed down on the court. Somehow we started talking about girls and I instantly thought of Lexi.

"I kissed her." I blurted out. Jhordian sits up.

"You kissed Julie?" Jhordian asks in disbelief.

"What? No."

"Well we were talking about Julie and you said-"

"No. Lexi." Is CJ's turn to sit up.

"You kissed Lexi? Dude." CJ asks. Jhordian sits there even more shocked. "You're whipped."

"Even more than that. You're fucked." Jhordian chimes in.

"Yeah I am." I sigh, close my eyes, and cover then with my arm. It just happened. When I asked her to hang out last night I had no intention to kiss her. I wasn't even sure if I wanted kiss her or how I felt. But now that I did, I wanted to do it again. I want to go over to the gym and kiss her until she can't breathe. Now I know that I want to kiss her as more than a desire. I need to kiss her.

"Well what are you gonna do? Lexi's not one of those girls you can kiss and diss. Mostly because all of the guys wouldn't let you, including us. They're as much her friend as you are." CJ says.

"I know that. I wanna ask her out but I don't know how." Did I really just admit that? Yeah, I'm definitely screwed.

The next day I woke up late. Technically I didn't wake up. These stupid nightmares and Lexi kept me up all night. On my way to school my phone was blowing up with texts from Jhordian and CJ with ideas on how to ask out Lexi.

As I open the front door to school I texted the guys back. I felt a presence beside me and I looked to my right. Julie.

"Hey Julie." My phone vibrates and I look at it.

"Hey Jacob." I hear the flirt behind her voice.

"What's up?"

"Nothing. We just haven't talked ever since you and Reilly broke up. I missed you and the guys."

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