Fighting for Confessions

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

"Well. I didn't do terrible." I say plopping in between CJ, Lindsey, and Mallory in the library. They were sitting at the couch chairs that were formed in a circle. Lindsey sat in CJ's lap while Mallory had her legs on one side of the chair and her back leaning against the other side. I sigh and lean back before closing my eyes.

"I hope I didn't do bad. CJ and I stayed up almost all night studying." Lindsey says.

"I think we all pulled an all nighter." Mallory says. "All nighters are for summer, not days before tests." I open my eyes and look over at Mallory.

"But it was so worth it."

"Where's Jhordian and Jacob?" CJ asks looking at me. I shrug and close my eyes again.

"Speak of the devil." Lindsey says but I don't open my eyes. I hear shuffling and then weight is put on me. Someone leans on me more and kisses my cheek. I open an eye and smile when I see Jacob staring down at me with a smile of his own. I close my eyes again.

"You look a little too happy for someone who only got four hours of sleep and took three exams today."

"I can't be happy to see my girlfriend?" I smile. Jacob gets comfortable on top of me and sighs in content.

"You wanna switch?" I ask.

"No. I always sit on the bottom."

"Yeah but I'm lighter."

"Who cares?" Someone clears their throat and Jacob and I look up.

"You seemed to have been in your own little world so I'll ask again. Do either of you want to go hang out with the rest of the group?" Mallory asked raising her hand up a little. I roll my eyes.

"Save the sass for cheer practices." I scoff.

"But giving sass is fun." We all freeze for a second before looking at each other. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't place it right off hand.

"Taylor." Lindsey says looking past me. I look behind me and see Taylor standing there with her hands on her hips. Behind her are three other girls with their arms crossed.

"You finally got yourself a posse. What did you do to bribe them?" Mallory asks crossing her legs and leaning back in her chair.

"I didn't bribe anyone. I simply guided them in the right direction for something in return."

"That's basically another way of saying bribery." CJ pipes up.

"Whatever." She waves off the subject. "So what are we talking about? I see you and CJ are back together." She says looking at Lindsey. She looks over at jacob on top of me. "I don't even want to comment on that." She says pointing at us in disgust. I tense up. Jacob stands and pulls me up before sitting down and pulling me to sit on his lap.

"Why are you tense?" He whispers in my ear. I give him a look. He smiles. I turn back towards Taylor. "Don't let her get to you." He whispers after a few seconds.

"Are you done here?" Jhordian asks bored.

"Ooh I haven't talked to you in a while." Taylor says smiling at him. She walks over to him and sits on the table that's in the center of circle of chairs.

"There's a reason for that."

"Are you still mad at me?" She tilts her head slightly and her hair falls over her shoulder.

"I would have to have cared for me to be mad." Jhordian says in a bored tone.

"Ohh but you did care back then." I turn to Jacob and give him a confused look. He shakes his head and mouths, 'Not now'. I turn back around.

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