Fighting for a Lazy Day

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

When I roll over in bed I hit something. Something hard. Thinking that I somehow fell on the floor I open my eyes only to see a body. I sit up in bed startled and a pair of blue eyes are staring back at me. He raises an eyebrow before yawning and closes his eyes again laying on his left side to face me. He puts his hand on my knee and sighs.

"Jacob." I sigh. "What are you doing here?" He smiles but keeps his eyes closed. "Fine. Next time you decide to sleep over though you could at least tell me." He starts to laugh as I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I need to start locking the window.

Jacob lays on his back after he grabs the remote from my dresser. He flips through channels as I brush my teeth and hair. I join him back on the bed, laying down next to him. He turns on Spongebob and looks over at me. I look back at him and it turns into a staring contest. I blink and he smiles.

"I win." His voice is hoarse and he starts to laugh. I stare at his lips while he does and he seems to notice after a few seconds. I sit on my side and prop my head on my elbow. My hand that's free grazes his abdomen tracing the pattern. I still feel him looking at me and my hand movements stop when I look back up at him. A strand of my hair falls over my shoulder and Jacob grabs it twirling it around his finger like he always does before letting it drop. He does it over and over again while I look at him.

I lean in to kiss him after he drops my hair for the fifth time. It's slow and short. After I pull away he grabs my strand again as more hair falls over my shoulder.

"Are you always this quiet in the morning?" I ask as Spongebob laughs behind us.

"I guess it depends." He says shrugging. "Are you?"

"Not usually." I kiss him again before grabbing my phone off of the charger and laying down against his chest. He puts his arm around me and kisses the top of my head.

"Do you have practice?" I unlock my phone and scroll through social media. I like photos I was tagged in and other photos.

"Yeah. Tonight."

"What should we do until then?"

"Stay here and watch Spongebob." Jacob grabs my phone from me and starts looking at my other social media apps. He gets on Snapchat and takes a photo of us and puts it on my story. Then he takes a photo of the TV with Spongebob still on and adds it to the story. He turns it back to us and records.

"Jacob. Give me back my phone." I say grabbing for it. He laughs and smiles at the camera. Before the time is up he kisses me on the lips and I laugh. When its done he adds hearts to the video and puts it on the story and sends it to Meagan, Lindsey, Mallory, CJ, Jhordian, Jordan, Tyler, and Payton.

I reach for my phone but he moves it out of reach before I can grab it. He exits out of Snapchat and goes onto Twitter. He scrolls through the feed and then takes a picture of us. I'm looking at him annoyed and he smiles with his eyes closed. He saves the picture to my camera roll and posts it on Twitter. When bae steals your phone. I smile.

"If you're going to be on my phone, it's only fair that I'm on yours." I challenge. He looks at me with raised eyebrows and I mimic his look. He grabs his phone and hands it to me. I unlock it since I already know his password. He returns to playing on my phone and I start getting on his social media. I stalk CJ and Jhordian on Instagram before I post a picture of me and Jacob. I'm looking at the camera winking with my tongue sticking out and Jacob is looking at something on my phone. I save it to his camera roll. I tag myself and put Mine. with a heart on the comment and post it. Jacob looks at it and comments with a winky face and puts You're mine. and adds a heart too. I look up at him and smile. He kisses the top of my head again and looks back on my phone.

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