Fighting for a Field Trip

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

During practice on Monday I told the team about Wednesdays field trip. It took a while to convince everyone to be on board but they eventually agreed. Most of the people on the team were juniors or seniors who already had off periods or something, and we got Coach Daniel to write Juliana an excuse for missing class. Coach Daniel also said that if we didn't have a good show off then we would have another two hour practice on Wednesday.

Wednesday morning Mrs. McCormick had her third period wait in the cafeteria until it was time to leave. When we got there everyone on the team were talking, sitting, or stretching. I ran to the bathroom to change into my practice wear and ran onto the mat to stretch. I sat by Mallory, who is the girl I sit with at lunch, Juliana, and her new friend Hayley, and put my hair up into a high ponytail.

When we finished stretching we had to go outside and run three laps around the building. By that time almost every girl had taken off their shirts leaving us in our sports bras, spanx, and our cheer shoes. When we finished our running we had conditioning. Seventy-five ballups, fifty push-ups, one minute handstand holds, and three plank holds for a minute each.

We got a drink of water and Coach Daniel had me explain what we were going to do for the rest of practice. The team helped answer any questions people had and then we started warming up our routine piece by piece. We started with stunts, then baskets, pyramid, jumps, standing tumbling, then running tumbling. After that we had five minutes to warm up anything else and get a drink. The class asked to see me do my stunt and basket again and they all cheered as I did it.

I ran to go get a drink before we started our full out. Before we started we huddled together and talked. We said our break call and made our way to the opening position. I start center front and everyone told me good luck. Before every routine I do a standing tuck and land it. I take a deep breath and jump up and down. I shake my hands and get the hair out of my face right before Coach Daniel turns on the music. All of a sudden the music starts and nothing else matters.

At the end of the dance we pose for a couple of seconds before we all collapse from exhaustion. The class starts clapping and we go get a drink. When we come back Coach Daniel starts talking about how it was a good practice and that we could relax for the day. We called it out and I ran to the bathroom to change while the class got on the bus. When I got onto the bus I sat next to Jacob and nudged him while raising an eyebrow.

"Was that proof enough?" He looks over at me and smiles.

"Proof enough Princess. I take back everything I said about cheer."

"Woah. Woah. I need some witnesses right now." I stand up and turn around in my seat.

"Hey guys!' The class stops talking and looks at me. "Jacob has to make an announcement." I look down at him as he sighs and stands.

He turns towards everyone and says, "I take back everything I said about cheer. It's harder than it looks." He turns towards me. "I'm sorry." He says quieter so no one can hear but me. I smile.

"Thank you." When we get back to school the rest of the day flies by really quickly. By lunch time everyone knows about our "field trip". Apparently some people put it on Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook.

After lunch I have history with Jacob. We talked a little about earlier today. Out of nowhere a girl pops up and takes a seat next to Jacob.

"What do you want Julie?" Jacob asks. She looks offended by his tone which is filled with annoyance.

"I just wanted to talk. Fine, since you want to get right to the point. I want to know your reasoning for dumping Reilly."

"Because Reilly didn't tell you every detail already? Why don't you ask her." She rolls her eyes and turns towards me with a surprised face.

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