Fighting for Revenge

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

"She's up to no good." Jacob says taking a seat besides at the library table. I give him a confused look.

"Who's up to no good?"

"Oprah. Who do you think?" He gives me a 'duh' look. I glare at him.

"What's up your butt?" He glares back at me. After a few more seconds of glaring at each other he rolls his eyes.


"Up your butt or up to no good?"


"What's she doing up there?" Mallory asks. Jacob glares at her. She shrugs and takes a bite of her burrito. Jacob stands back up and grabs my hand to pull me up with him. Without warning he continues to pull my hand and I grab my backpack and follow him almost tripping.

"Oww." I mumble as his grip tightens around my wrist. Jacob ignores me. "Oww!" His pace quickens and his grip tightens. "Oww! Jacob!" I pull my arm and he stops and turn towards me.

"She's planning something." He says as he attempts to pull me.

"First of all, loosen your grip. Second of all, what makes you think she's planning something?"

"I don't know I've just been get a weird vibe from her lately." I raise an eyebrow.

"Just let her be. She hasn't messed with us for two days."

"That should be the first hint."


"Lexi, I'm serious." We stare at each other.

"Why does it matter?" I finally say. "The only way she can get to us is if we let her."

"Don't you think it's time we be on the offensive instead of the defensive?"

"No. I don't think we should be on any kind of ensive."


"Jacob this is stupid. I'm tired of playing her game. We only have a week and a half until school is over and I'm not going to be playing her game and cowering in fear of her."


"Watch my lips closely." I say pointing at my mouth. "Let. Her. Be." He sighs.

"Fine." He finally gives in.

"Good. Now that you're done worrying about Taylor come hang out with your friends and relax." I grab a hold of his hand and drag him back to the library.

"You know what I'm in the mood for?" I ask Jacob as we head into my kitchen. I throw my backpack on the island and hop up next to it. Jacob puts his backpack on the other side of mine and stands in front of me. He puts his hands on either side of the island gripping the edge and trapping me.

"What's that?" He leans in to kiss me.

"We should make a pizza." He smiles.

"Mamma Mia we shoulda maka pizza." He says in a terrible Italian accent. We both burst out with laughter. When our laughter calms down Jacob lays his head in the crook of my neck. "I love you." He sighs in content.

"I love you more than the pizza we still haven't made yet." I whisper. I feel him smile and he picks up his head. He looks back at me with his lopsided grin that I feel in love with.

"Okay Princess. Let's make a pizza for two." He holds out his hand and I grab it hopping off the counter. I go to the pantry and grab all the stuff to make the pizza crust. Jacob grabs the sauce, three cheeses, and toppings. Once we put the pizza together we throw it in the oven. We talk about everything while we wait for it to be done.

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