Fighting for Worlds Part 1

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

"Stupid time zones." Mallory groans as four alarm clocks go off. The four of us get out of bed and fix ourselves a little before going downstairs to get breakfast.

"Where's Jacob?" Juliana asks as we step out of the elevator.

"Upstairs asleep I think." I shrug typing on my phone.

"Who are you texting then?"


"Tell him I said hi." Mallory pipes. I nod and send a text to CJ. I put my phone in my pocket and grab a plate. I get an omelette, some fruit, oatmeal, a muffin, and some orange juice before going to find a place to sit. Bea comes over and sits across from me and Mallory sits next to me and Juliana sits down last next to Bea. We eat in silence and I continue to text CJ. Suddenly my phone starts to vibrate and I pick it up and answer.


"Hey where are you?" Jacob asks.

"Downstairs at breakfast."

"Will you bring me something when you're done?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Ok. That was all I wanted." I chuckle.

"Ok bye."

"Bye." I hang up and finish off my plate before getting up to make Jacob a plate. Once I finish we all go back upstairs and I give Jacob his food.

"Oh thank God. I'm starving." Jacob says when he sees the food. I hand him the plate and drink and he sets it down on the table. "You're the best." He kisses me on the cheek.

"I'm going to go lay back down for about another hour. My parents aren't up and they'll need time to get dressed. I think we're going to Disney after." He nods. I turn to make my way to the door and he follows.

"Thanks for the food." He says as I walk out.

"You're welcome." When I get inside our room everyone is already laying down and half asleep. I lay back down and plug my phone into the charger before falling back asleep.

When I wake up I jump in the shower and finish getting dressed. Mallory comes in the bathroom after that and we jam out to music while getting ready.

I put on my spanx and cheer shoes before putting on deoderant, my top, and throwing a shirt over it. I put on my makeup for cheer and throw my hair into a ponytail before teasing it a little. Someone knocks on the door and I leave the bathroom to go get it. When I open it Jacob is standing there on his phone. He does a double take before smiling and looking back down at his phone.

"You look cute." He says putting his phone in his pocket. He walks towards me before kissing me on the cheek. I move out of the way and he walks in. I close the door behind me and go into the bathroom again. I spray perfume on before jumping on the counter with my phone. Jacob leans on the doorway texting someone.

Mallory continues to sing and put her makeup on and I join in on the song every so often. While we were singing One Dance by Drake Jacob comes over and stands in front of me. I put my phone down next to me and wrap my arms around his neck loosely. We start having a staring contest before Jacob starts to laugh and I blink. He leans on the counter bringing him closer to me. I lean in more and kiss him on the lips.

"Love you." I say quietly. He kisses me again and again and again and I laugh.

"Love you too." He says quietly before leaning his head on my shoulder.

"I hate both of you." Mallory grumbles. I smile at Jacob and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Don't be jealous my boyfriend is sexy, smart, and sweet and yours is nonexistent." I stick my tongue out at her. Jacob picks his head up with a smirk on his lips.

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