Fighting for an Adventure

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

Sometime while I was asleep I heard a faint tapping. In the dream I was looking around until I realized it wasn't part of the dream but was someone actually tapping. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. More tapping. I look out at the window and saw Jacob sitting in the tree next to my window tapping repeatedly. I go over to open it.

"It's about time." He says before I get to say anything.

"It's three o'clock in the morning and I was asleep. What are you doing here anyway?"

"Lets go on an adventure." Did I hear that right?


"Adventure. Right now."

"Right right now? At three o'clock in the morning? Are you serious?"

"Yes. We're celebrating our one month. Now get dressed."

"But we could be sleeping!" I complain.

"But you're already up." He comes closer, his head coming in through the window. "Come on babe. Lets have some fun." He whispers against my lips once he's close enough. When I try and kiss him he backs away. "Not until you agree." I groan and throw my hands up.

"Fine." I turn away from my window and I hear him climb through. He jumps onto my bed and gets comfortable. He puts his hands behind his head and watches me. I grab some shorts and a cheer shirt and head to my bathroom to change. When I come back out Jacob is scrolling through channels and I grab some converse to match my outfit from my closet. I go back to the bathroom to brush out the tangles that formed. Jacob comes into the bathroom and leans against the doorframe.

"Ready?" I nod.

"Glad I wasn't doing something else." I mutter.

"You should close the door then." I look at him from the mirror only to see him smirk and I roll my eyes I put the brush down and turn towards him. Before I can pass him through the door he grabs my waist and turns me to face him. He backs me into the opposite doorframe and his head ducks down to my neck and I feel his hot breath fanning off of me. "You smell good." He whispers. He lifts his head up enough to lean his forehead against mine with his eyes closed. Suddenly he kisses me and it takes me by surprise. I guess he notices because he smiles against my lips. "Because I promised." He whispers again still close.

"You should make promises more often." I whispered back and he laughs. We climb out the window and walk to his car.

"Where are your parents?" He asks as he starts the car.

"Other side of the house asleep." He backs out of the house with his lights off and once we're far enough away turns them back on. "Makes me wonder if you've done this kind of thing before." I look over at him and raise an eyebrow.

He looks over at me and smirks. "Well I had to read a 'How to Sneak a Girl Out Without Getting Caught' manual first but I might be done it a couple of times."

"And here I was, thinking I was special." I glances back over at me and grins. A grin that lights up his whole face even in the darkness of the car.

"You are special. I've done it with CJ, Jhordian, and Brett once or twice. Never with a girl though." His right hand moves from the wheel and grabs my hand to hold. His left hand takes the top of the wheel as I intertwine our fingers which sends a shiver of delight.

"So where are we going?" I ask after a moment of silence.

"A park downtown." I stay silent and listen to all the remixes and other songs that play on the radio. When we get there there's a stage set up with bright lights beaming in every direction with a thick crowd already there. There are a few people scattered around further back and as we get closer there are booths lined up beside one another selling merchandise. I grab onto Jacob's hand as we continue walking.

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