Fighting for a Girl Day

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

Mallory and Lindsey came over around eight thirty in the morning the following Saturday. We went out to go get breakfast and then we did some summer shopping. After a few hours of that we went to go get lunch before going to get manicures and pedicures. Lindsey only agreed to half a day and since it was about five thirty when we finished at the salon we decided to call it a day and go our separate ways.

When I get home I go to the bathroom since I've been holding it since we got to the salon. When I get out I see Jacob with his back turned to me standing in front of my bed.

"Hey. How'd you get in?" I ask walking over to him. I stop right behind him.

"Who's Jordan?" He asks turning around to look at me.

"Is he not your friend?"

"Not that Jhordian. J-o-r-d-a-n." He says looking down at my phone screen.

"How do you know Jordan?" I ask instead of answering.

"Who is he?"

"Did he call me?"

"Who is he?" Jacob's voice is starting to rise and he grits his teeth. His knuckles start to turn white from clenching them and my phone.

"Why were you answering my phone anyways?"

"I thought it was Lindsey or Mallory."

"So that gives you the right to answer my phone?" I ask incredulous.

"Who is he?" I snatch my phone from his hand.

"He's a friend." I feel a tear fall.

"A friend?" He asks taken aback.

"Yes a friend. I'm still allowed to have those." I sniffle. Does he not trust me?

"Have you been talking to him?"

"Yes. Because again, he is a friend." I emphasize. Tears are now free falling. I don't know if it's because we're fighting or the fact that he's never yelled at me but I can't control the tears.

"Not one that I know." His voice is full of anger.

"I know that." I whisper looking down at my black screen. "He's from my home town." He sighs.

"Why didn't you just say that?"

"I would have if you would stop accusing me of practically cheating on you."

"I didn't say-"

"But you sure as hell implied it." I glare up at him.

"Maybe if you actually tell me about your past instead of acting like it's some big secret I would have known who he was." He glares back.

"So it's my fault?" I'm dumbstruck right now. Because I haven't talk about anything before I met him it's my fault he's accusing me? He can't be serious.

"Yes." I shove him but he doesn't even budge.

"You are such a jerk! So because I got a call from an old friend I'm accused of being unfaithful? Because I haven't said a word to you about Jordan it's my fault?"

"He called you. He obviously likes you." I tug at my hair in frustration and growl.

"That doesn't even make sense! Do you hear yourself? You're acting like this is the fifth grade. He was my best friend. Just because I moved away doesn't mean I can't talk to him and neither does me dating you. You can't tell who I can and can't talk to. By the way he has a girlfriend." A few months after I left he started talking to Payton. She would text me every second of everyday and ask what she should do until he finally asked her out. When I say the last part his mouth opens but no words come out.

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