Fighting for the Beach

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

Jacob and I walked to the beach hand in hand. When we got there Mallory was coming from the other side and Lindsey and CJ were in a deep conversation. As we got closer CJ looked up and whispered something to Lindsey before she turns around and the conversation ends.

"Where's Jhordian?" Mallory asks as she sits next to Lindsey after laying down her towel.

"I'm right here!" Jhordian says running towards us.

"What were you two talking about?" Jacob asks nodding his head towards CJ and Lindsey. They glance at each other and Lindsey looks down.

"Nothing." CJ mutters. Lindsey rolls her eyes.

"How long have y'all been dating?" CJ asks to change the subject.

"Yesterday." Jacob says deadpan.

"Alright then. Are we gonna eat or go in the water?" Mallory asks to break the tension.

"I'm going in the water." I say and pull Jacob with me. "Are you two still fighting?" I asks when we're far enough away.

"Yeah I guess."

"But y'all are best friends."

"It's fine. Just let him get it out of his system. He'll get over it eventually."

"What if he doesn't?"

"He will."

"But what if he doesn't?"

"He will."

"But what if-" He stops in front of me and grabs my shoulders.

"Babe. Trust me. He'll get over it." He splashes water at me.

"Jerk." I splash him back. He laughs as he splashes me back. It turns into a water fight and Jacob is winning.

"Lexi! Jacob! Come on! We're gonna eat!" Mallory yells across the beach.

Jacob finally catches up to me and picks me up. I scream from surprise and laugh. I wrap my legs around him and he kisses me. It's salty and wet and I smile against his lips. He smiles too and we start laughing.

"Does that count as your kiss you requested?"

"Very much so. Thank you." I give him another kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He switches me around so he's giving me a piggy back ride. We get out of the water and head to everyone else. I kiss his neck and smile. "You're salty." I say and start laughing. He starts to shake with laughter.

"Punny." He drops me on the blanket that CJ brought.

After we finish eating CJ, Jacob, and Jhordian go into the water and throw a foam football around. It seems after we started eating CJ and Jacob went back to being best friends like they never stopped.

Lindsey, Mallory, and I all lay on our towels getting a tan. We sit in silence for a while before Mallory pulls out an earphone.

"We have practice later don't we?" She asks in alert sitting up. I look over at her.

"Yep. Sure do." She groans and lays back down. She turns her head to Lindsey since she's sitting in the middle.

"You and CJ were in a deep chat. What's up with you two?" I sit up and look at Lindsey. Lindsey is looking at the sand running her fingers through it.

"Nothing is going on." She mumbles.

"Oh bull." Mallory waves her hand. "That's what CJ said and you rolled your eyes."

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